12th Fleet Application FormPlease make sure that this application form is filled out completely and that sections of the form are not deleted because they do not apply. If a certain section does not apply then please put "N/A" as an answer. Please fill this application out as honestly and to the best of your knowledge as possible as this will speed up the application process - Many Thanks.List
all of your STO Forum Aliases, display names or other accounts: NA
Character's Game ID Name@Handle (e.g., John@Nickname): Marcus@mac#64405
ARC/STO forum name/ID: cammen94#6818
(To find your ARC/STO ID, see
Please list any STO Fleets of which you are currently or were formerly a member: I just left The Final Frontier.
What were your reasons for leaving former STO fleets (if applicable): I'm new to the game, I felt bad bothering them with questions & 12th Fleet seems like a nicer place.
Real life age: 30
Residence: ( ) US, ( x ) Europe, ( ) Asia, ( ) Other:
Timezone (+/-GMT): GMT
How did you hear about the 12th fleet? I started the game not too long ago, searched for some streams and seen Stromgold's stream.
What made you interested in choosing the 12th fleet? As I said above, new player found the Taste Like Chicken radio show broadcast on twitch & the vibes are exceptional so it piqued my interest.
What days and times are you usually online?: Any time, maybe not Mondays or Wednesday!
How long have you been playing STO? Do you have experience with any other MMOs (which one(s) and how long)?: I've been playing STO for about 2 weeks now, currently sitting around 75 hrs played. I'm a massive MMO fan, I've played SWTOR, WoW, LoTRo, FFXIV, I've been playing mmos since I found Runescape on Miniclip. I'm currently raiding in Naxxramas on World of Warcraft Season of Discovery.
How will you be a benefit to 12th Fleet? I hope to provide some laughs, maybe some insight to other games, I want to be around a like minded group who despite my lack of knowledge in the captains chair will understand & support me whilst I do my best for you
Will you use fleet Discord (voice chat)? Y / N : Y
If yes, what is your Discord name/ID? cam4872
DIVISION SELECTIONYou must choose a division you want to join inside 12th Fleet. The divisions within the fleet help us to administer the fleet to better serve our members, as well as providing groups for members of similar interest. Note that all members can partake in any in-game event, your division does not dictate what you can do. Divisions welcome all in-game careers, you do
NOT have to join the division that matches your character's "career" in-game. Instead join the division that focuses on your main game-play interest or has a theme that fits your style.
Before you choose which division you would like to be in, please visit the following links with full descriptions of each of the divisions.
[Engineering] [Science] [Tactical] [MACO] [Section 31]Now that you have read up on each of our divisions, please number your division preference from 1 to 4 in order, with 1 being your main/Favorite interest and 4 being your least favorite interest. After number 4, please just leave the others blank:
Engineering: General PvE --
link to full description()
Science: Group PvE, Role Playing/Creative Writing --
link to full description(1)
Tactical: Space Combat --
link to full description(4)
MACO (Subdivision): PvE, Army/Marine Theme --
link to full description(3)
Section 31 (Subdivision): General Gameplay --
link to full description------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTSIf you fail an Activity Check you will be made inactive and removed from the fleet, Please read our
Activity Policy and acknowledge your agreement to the requirements below by selecting yes.
Do you agree to the fleet's activity requirements? Y/N : Y
If, after joining us, you decide to leave 12th Fleet, then we ask that you notify an officer in your division Command of your leaving. This traditionally has been considered good courtesy, allows us to conduct the necessary administration, and it will put you in better position if you decide eventually to rejoin us. The list of the division officers whom you may PM (on this or other fleet matters) can be found here
: Engineering Command, Science Command or Tactical Command.