Maverick wrote:
There actually was a 12th Fleet in Star Trek Deep space 9. In the battle against the Dominion. So it actually does have some meaning behind it and history.. You should read our fleet history on the main page.. I see what your saying about the name being simple. But I will always join a guild/fleet for the people in it.
I hope you can learn to accept our name.

I mean I hope that you dont wish to leave simply because of our fleets name.
But you have to do what floats your boat I guess.
Hah! Don't worry about me accepting the name, I too like to join guilds because of the people in it and I did pick the 12th fleet for a reason.
Thanks for the history page, I'll go read up on it. ^_^
I was mostly just wondering if this is a temporary name or the final name already.