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 Post subject: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Wed September 12th, 2012 4:54 pm 
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Spinning, his head was spinning as the whiskey bottle dropped to the floor of the bed. Nine months in this place, he had no idea before all this that Humans could be this problamatic, that they could be this.........solitary.

He had spent all the time he had been here searching, searching in a time where Humans fought and conspired against one another. It had not been something he had expected, he had made short trips into the past before, he had just never taken the time to notice what was around him. Had he known it was so chaotic, so dangerous, he might have had second thoughts.

A annoying sound came from the device on the table next to him, he picked it up and flipped it open.

"Detective L...........yes I'm awake chief............another one.......I'm on my way."

The man never gave him time to even say his own name, this century moved so fast, even the food was dubbed "fast" as no one seemed to ever have any time. It was almost poetic that he was in a way a manipulator of time.

He grabbed his gun, a colt 1911 side arm, placed it in his holster and grabbed his badge.

The vehicles of the time were strange to say the least, although he did enjoy them at times. The Dodge SRT-8 he had been assigned was at the very least fast, it reminded him of the shuttle he flew while in the service of DS, Betty, she had spunk, attitude, and the AI on board was a pistol.

It only took him a few minutes to reach the crime sceene, and only a minute more to determine it was indeed the wraith he had been sent back to find and dispose of. The Prophets had surprised him, they had pulled him from his time and reality with a tale of his immenent destruction. A Pah Wraith had traveled into the past, somehow his existance was tied to someone here, how or why he didn't know, but if the wraith found this person that he was connected to first it would be his end.

Lock walked around the hotel room looking for something, a clue, a glimmer of something that would tell him what this was all about. The body of the victum lay strewn accross the floor in multiple peices, a tell tell sign the wraith had finished with this one. The mans personal computer, or "Laptop" as they called them was laying on the bed.

Lock opened it and began to do a search of what it had been looking at. Various websites presented themselves, but one, one stood out and sent shivers up the Bajorans spine. He felt compeled to look, it was as if something was conttrolling him, someone pulling his strings, compelling him to look at something he was not sure he wanted to.

The title of the web site was the 12th fleet.........

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 Post subject: Re: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Wed September 12th, 2012 5:10 pm 
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Lock looked at the site, going over what he could without gaining access as a member. He went to a forum called Holodeck 2, and there is was. He was sweating now, as he read over events that had played out in his own time.

It was all there, his entire experience in the mirror universe. All the events of what happened, written out by multiple people from multiple perspectives. His part, and that of his former wife Riana, seemed to be written by someone calling themselves Loki1147. Whoever this person was, time traveler, seer, whatever, they knew things no one else could know. They had written what happened to him, and Riana, as if they had been there.

Even Gold was there, the name the same as the man he had faced in that reality, was writting about himself. He had to know more.....

This sight was some how linked to some online simulation, and apparently the only way to gain access was to join in this simulation........

He stopped what he was doing momentarily, this must be what the wraith was looking for, this was to big of a connection to him. He waited a moment before leaving the hotel and made his way to Central. It was a short ride through Cow town as they called it before he was standing at the office of one of the Internet crimes officer.

After a few minutes of tinkering by the officer he had access to the entire 12th fleet site, apparently the officer was a fan of....what did he call it wasn't too hard to get a handle and gain access.

What he was now reading shocked him....this Loki had writen about his entire life......his parents.....their death at the hands of Gul was all here.....

Lock sat there for hours going over logs, names, things he and the crew of the Valkyrie had done.....their entire history was here. What did this all mean, how could so many people have access to this information....

As he searched an idea began to form....he asked the officer if he could find out just who and where this Loki1147 was......

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 Post subject: Re: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Wed September 12th, 2012 6:07 pm 
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Lock entered the home, old hard wood lined the floor, white walls, a few pictures of small Children and a poster of someone named cash holding what appeared to be a musical instrument of some kind.

He made his way slowly into one of the rooms, swords, and screen with cherry blossoms addorned the room. What looked like ancient scrolls hung on the was calming, and that worried him because he had no idea why it was....

He didn't want to distrurb anything, he wanted to leave no clue that he had been here. He made his way into the kitchen, a few plates and cups sat in a sink, what looked like cold pizza in the refrigeration unit.

Nothing really stood out, untill he made his way into what could only be an office. He searched the Computer terminal, story's, it was filled with story's, idea's, adventures. Story's of the crew, their mission, what was yet to come. Visions he had had, times he had talked with the Prophets, this made no sense. Why would someone be writing about his life, why would any of these people be writing about the lives of him and his crew.

Then he saw it, something no one knew, something no one could possibly know.....Nimshae was pregnant.......beside all the notes and lines were details no one could have ever known. Lock himself didn't even know some of these details.......

He heard a door open and pulled his pistol, if this was the wraith he would soon have the answers he was looking for.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Wed September 12th, 2012 7:37 pm 
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Locks eyes zoned in on his target.

"Hold it right there."

The surprise on the mans face was genuine, he didn't seem to react the way Lock expected though.

"Whatever you want take it and get out....."

The man walked into the kitchen simply oblivious to the man pointing the gun at him.

The man walked back in and sat down in a chair, he turned a view screen on and began to work the controls.

"What your still here? I said take whatever you want and go...."

Lock looked at the man for a moment, he looked well enough, nothing on the surface said anything different. This was obviously not the wraith he had been looking for, but perhaps it was who Lock had been looking for.

Lock handed the man a print out of the 12th fleet website, one of the story's he had wrote.

"Is this you?"

The man looked back up at Lock, questions now were apparent on his face.

"What exactly is this about?"

The man handed him back the print out and shut off the viewscreen.

"Is this you? Is this your writing?"

"Yes.....what do you care?"

"Where did you get the information? Who have you been talking to to know all this?"

The man stood up shaking his head, "I wrote it, well some of it a lot of people help with all of it.....who are you?"

Lock looked the man in the eyes, "I'm a detective with FWPD, I've been tracking a killer, a killer who has slain 8 people and will kill again till his job is done."

"And what the hell do I have.......hey now wait a minute, I haven't killed anyone!"

"No I never said you had......however I am starting to believe you are the one he is looking for."

The man shook his head, "Hey why the hell would someone be looking for me?"

Lock held out a paper with the names of the previous victums.

The man looked back up in shock, "Five of these names are just like mine!"

"Now do you understand?"

Loki nodded, he looked back down at the paper," What about these other names? I've never even heard of any of these people what do they have to do with this?"

Lock didn't know how to explain, he couldn't just come out with it, he wouldn't even believe it.

"We're not sure yet, I was hoping you would be able to tell me."

It was a lie, he knew the wraith had taken their body's, used them as long as he could and then discarded them like old skin.

"So you think this has something to do with the 12th? I'm not sure what your getting at?"

Lock nodded, "This information was found at a crime sceene, it all pointed to you being one of his targets. We are not sure why, what his goal is, but he is looking for you. If I can find you, so can he."

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 Post subject: Re: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Wed September 12th, 2012 8:24 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 2nd, 2011 8:26 pm
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Location: Reviving Khan...
Awesome mate, looking forward to seeing where your going with this :beer:

PS - Pls delete this if you want a continual run mate.

Goldy & Mirra do not believe in a No Win Scenaro...
Biography of Gold & Crew - Captain & Crew Logs of the USS Mavrix

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 Post subject: Re: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Thu September 13th, 2012 3:40 am 
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Lock went over Loki's options, which at the moment wasn't many. The man seemed calm, which struck another cord with Lock, like the man was already looking death in the eye, or had in the past......

It wasn't something you ran into often, people would beg, plead, deal.......even Lock had made deals with the prophets for the life of others. Yet this Loki hadn't even flinched when he had a weapon pointed at him.

Whatever it was the Prophets said his life was somehow tied to Locks, that the Pah-Wraith had come here to eliminate him, and in the same instance eliminate him. He just couldn't wrap his finger around it, it was almost like he knew the man, like he had always known him in some strange way.

"So detective, any idea who this could be, how they will try and accomplish this?"

"Not yet, but I don't doubt they are going to make a grab at you, make a play to do what it did to the others?"

Loki looked at him again, "Thats the second time you have refered to this person as it, and I don't believe it was a mistake..."

Loki grabed a smoke and lit it, a slow inhale and exhale before he looked back at Lock.

"Now this is probably the worst thing I can do at the moment, but your not being honest and I need honest answers, I'm not stupid and I've seen enough in my time to make sense of whatever the hell your about to tell me, so.........explain!"

Lock gave him a skeptical look before the door to the house opened and a tall lanky man walked in, Lock had his pistol in his hand and was aim at the same time Loki started yelling.

"HEY HOLD IT HOLD IT, its ok he's a friend!"

Lock lowered his pistol slowly.

"Detective this is bones, you may know him better as Jacia McCoy on the Valkyrie."

Bones looked at Loki, then back at Lock, "Ok, whats going on?"

"Bones this is Detective.......hey, I never got your name?"

Lock thought for a moment, "Detective Jorahn, so your the one who writes about Jacia McCoy?"

Bones looked at Loki, "Isn't that......have you met you seem familure?"

Loki thought about it too, something was very familure about him now that he thought about it, it was like he knew him, something on the edge of memory Perhaps........

"It is an honor to meet you bones, although I wish it was under better sercumstances, we need to get both of you to a safe house as soon as possible, not going to be safe around here for too much longer."

Lock turned to Loki, he was about to speak when Bones interupted them.

"Oh I think its a little too late for that."

Red electricity erupted from bones as he reached for Loki, and in a flash blue fire erupted from the gun of the Detective. Bones was blasted through the wall of the home, Lock grabbed loki by the arm and jumped through the opening in the wall.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Thu September 13th, 2012 4:08 am 
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They ran to the first car in the drive, Loki slid over the hood of the black Dodge very similure to the Detectives and was in the driver seat before Lock could get in the seat beside him.

With a roar and some gas Loki threw the car into reverse and hit the gas. As the came to the end of the drive Loki spun the car 180 degrees and nailed it again. Smoke from the loose rock and tires covered the back of the car as they made their escape.

"Ok what the hell was that?!! And don't give me any more BS who in the hell are you?!!"

Lock looked at him as he checked his clip.

"My name is Lock Jerahd, you have been writing about me for the past year on the 12th fleet website. I'm a Bajoran who has been manipulating certain events in the timeline in order to protect the federation and the people I hold dear."

Loki laughed and almsot couldn't stop, "Thats BS, I came up with all that, my idea, as well as others, you gotta do better than that!"

Another vehicle pulled out behind them, it was black and the same make and model as Loki's, but the tell tale flashing lights told Lock all he needed to know.

"Slow down let them get beside us!"

Loki looked back at Lock, "Jeannete's going to be really pissed if you don't have a badge man, hope you know what your doing."

A female was in the drivers seat as Loki slowed, Lock pulled his badge and held it up for her to see, it would have been the death of them both if Lock had not sensed it coming. The woman raised her hand and Lock grabbed the wheel slamming her off the highway.


Red tendrils of electricity shot from the downed police cruiser doing its best to catch the black car. It only took one look for Loki to floor it doing his best to keep ahead of it.

"I think I'm trying to save both our lives!"

Loki looked at him, then began to pet the wheel and dash.

"Its ok sweet heart he didn't mean it honestly, and he probably saved all three of us so don't worry what ever it is I'll fix it I promise."

Lock looked at him as if he was injured, "Who are you talking to?"

"I'm talking to Betty, whats wrong with you man she has feelings too."

"Betty.......your vehicles name is Betty?"


They then both answered at the same time.

"Like the shuttle."
"Like the shuttle."

Loki looked at Lock, scanning him for some sign of a lie.

"You can't be him, I created him, his story, his life, there is no way you could be him!"

"Ask me something then, something you never told anyone, something you've written, maybe I'll know it sense you put it on paper already?"

Loki thought about it for a moment......

"Ok something that I know that isn't common were her first...."

"I wasn' mirror counter part was...."

Loki looked at him, "Ok you could have figured that out I guess.......something no one knows......"

"The borg hybrid program Gre'Thor, it is going to inslave members of the Alpha quadrant, the federation ships using it will turn on their masters and creat a new collective....."

Loki's jaw dropped, he hadn't told anyone that not even Sarah.......

"Nimshae is pregnant, with twins."

Now he didn't know what to think, the man knew things, private things, things no one else knew.

"And that thing back there, the killer, it's a Pah-Wraith isn't it?"

Now it was Locks turn to be surprised, "You know your Bajoran lore."

"Your damn right I do, wrote you didn't I!"

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 Post subject: Re: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Thu September 13th, 2012 4:37 am 
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They sat at the pub, loki pulling his pack out from his pocket, Lock taking a swig of what these people called Ale....

Lock reached over and grabbed the smoke from Loki's mouth putting it out in the ash tray.

"Hey I just lost one of my best friends, I've got a ancient Bajoran demon that can take people over after me, my car looks like hell, and I just found out that the character I have been writing about for the last year is real, give me a break!"

"My job is to make sure nothing happens to you, that includes whatever it is your doing to yourself. Now I was honest with you, you be honest with me, whats wrong with you?"

Loki looked at him, "I'm fine, I'm here, I'm alive, and besides what makes you think anything is wrong?"

"First, you didn't show any fear when you thought I was robbing you. I thought maybe you were brave but after the events that we just went through I can tell you care far more about other things than your life, so be honest with me."

Loki took a drink from his ale, "I've got soft tissue Sarcoma."

Lock looked at him.

Loki smiled and gave a fake laugh, "Suppose you wouldn't know anything about it, they probably have a cure in the future and your no Doctor anyway."

"We call it cancer, its where a persons cells are abnormal and can grow out of control at a dangerous rate."

Lock nodded, "And this is why you have little care for your life?"

"It's not that I have little care, its that what else can happen that could be worse.......well come to think of it there are a few things but.......It's not that I don't care."

"And once you cease to be so will I." Lock took another pull from his ale.

"I'm not sure I believe that, whatever has happened, what brought you to be, has got to be bigger than us both......obviously your here for a reason, not just to save my life from a wraith."

They both sat at the bar for a while drinking, Loki started talking about everything. From Sarah playing Nimshae to Lyle and H, even Jess playing letty and Mila. He talked for hours about the 12th fleet, the headache it sometimes was, politics, but how through it all he had met some of the best people he had ever encountered.

He told Lock about the structure, Captains, S31, which for some reason made Lock a little on edge, especially when he mentioned Goldy.

Lock talked about the Valkyrie, about his love Nim, about Riana, even things Loki had never written and only thought about. The man had lived it, life on a starship, in the future. Every detail was perfectly explained.

He was just starting to explain about the tether he and Nim shared when the door to the bar was blown of the hinges. Blue fire shot from Locks gun as red electricity surged through the front door.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Mon September 17th, 2012 9:33 pm 
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Blue fire shot from his pistol, red electricity shot forth from the hand of the wraith, and Loki jumped behind the bar barely missing being stuck in the middle of it all.

As loki looked up he saw his friend bones, rotten flesh falling from his face and arms as he fought the Bajoran.

Lock fired his last round, it hit home and blew the wraith infected friend of Loki out the front door of the bar. People screamed and shouted pushing past one another trying to get out of the way.

Lock popped another clip in just as the wraith flew back through the open doors into Lock. They struggled, the wraith cursing and spitting as they trying to get the upper hand on the other.

"If we can not kill this one we will make you trade, your love for your own existance, choose!"

With the Loki watched his friend shrivel into nothing as a red beam of energy escaped bones's back and cut a way through the ceiling.

Lock collapsed on the floor, he was breathing heavily, but he seemed to be ok.

"The wraith, what did it mean?"

Loki was worried about the sound of its tone, what did he mean his love?

"I'm fine, the one you call Sarah, the one who writes Nim, where is she?"

It all clicked into place for Loki, THATS WHAT IT MEANT!

"Europe, she's in Europe!"

"Then we must make our way to Europe!"

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 Post subject: Re: The end of yesterday
PostPosted: Tue October 2nd, 2012 11:17 pm 
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Loki and Lock walked out of the main gates at Heathrow, the world was buzzing around them as Loki hailed a cab and Lock took a long puff off of a cigar he had bought.

The flight had been quiet, which had really suprised Loki since the perfect time to get at both of them would have been an 18 hour flight across the ocean.

Loki had already called a few of the members he knew across the pond, H knew he was coming as well as Mercy and Goldy but they had no idea why.

Lock had asked him to keep some information to himself for a few reasons. One being who in their right mind would believe him if he said the character he had been writing about for over a year suddenly dropped by to pull him into the adventure of his life. That one of his closest friends was taken over by a Pah Wraith and tried to kill them both! Second was that if for any reason the wraith got a hold of any of them he would know more about what they were planning.

Lock flicked his Cigar into the street and ducked into the cab that they had hailed. It wasn't long before Loki's phone started to ring and he was answering questions about their arrival.

Getting Lock through customs had been a major pain in the ass. Loki ofcourse had a passport but Lock didn't, and they didn't have time to wait. But that was the beauty of being part of a international fleet, a fleet comprimesed of people that just loved to see how far they could push the system.

With the fact that Lock was in a position of law enforcement, and that Loki new various members of Law Enforcement here, it in the end wasn't that large of an issue.

They were well into London traffic when the car was rocked and loki saw the world spinning around him.

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