The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Off-Duty Thread)
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Author:  spaceinvader2240 [ Wed May 16th, 2012 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Off-Duty Thread)

Location: USS Tempestas

[IC] = Klena

Klena took a plate of steaming stir-fry from the serving line at the mess hall counter. The chef had prepared the first of the dinner specials. As a former member of the Guendier's crew, Klena was inwardly extremely grateful for his presence. Getting Sean, or Admiral Cunningham to the rest of the crew, to give up his prized Chef hadn't been easy, but she'd been able to convince him.

She nodded politely to the chef who smiled and wished her a 'bon appetite.'

She was a not a vegetarian, like many Vulcans were, instead preferring a good balance in her diet. The thought of not eating meat... while considered illogical by her Vulcan peers... was unappealing to her.

She'd also taken another page from Sean's book and was eating in the same mess hall as her crew. She'd have the Captain's mess converted to additional kitchen space once they had time. The early departure from spacedock had given them precious time to prepare for their long journey.

She set her PADD down and idly flipped through the reports from the rest of the ship as she ate her dinner. So far, none of the crew was taking the opportunity to sit next to their Captain/Admiral. She didn't mind, though she wouldn't object to the company. In no time she was sure the smell of wonderful cooking would draw even the most stubborn officer to the mess hall.

[OC] = Klena

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