The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)
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Author:  Forge04 [ Sat March 3rd, 2012 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Angel returned the salute just as snappy. He loved proving to fellow MACOs that he wasn't some stick jockey turned ground pounder just to wear the uniform again. He'd served with them during many missions outside of his fighter and had earned many a MACOs respect.

Since then he'd led them firsthand, side-by-side, headlong into battle.

Sector-X. Poighet System. Those were the two he was most proud of.

Of course, he was a pilot at heart, and hearing the Chief Engineer going through the list of things to do reminded him that he wasn't half bad at troubleshooting and repair either.

If he found periods of lull he'd have to offer his assistance there as well.

"At ease Major," dropping his hand and holding it out, testing this man's informality as he had with the Admiral, who'd passed with flying colors. The thought made him smile inwardly. "I've read about the 440th, good unit. I'd like to sit down with you and discuss first and foremost, this whole rank thing. When do you have some time?"

Author:  pjblazer [ Sat March 3rd, 2012 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Kris felt a bit more at ease when the Colonel offered his hand, and grasped it firmly in return. "I see you tend to follow my style of leadership. I like to make my men feel comfortable but I make sure they know when they need to be formal as well. I've got a couple of hours before the daily inspection and reports. I'll introduce you to my men at that time. I haven't had a chance to eat yet, care to join me?" Kris said, motioning to the door.

Author:  Forge04 [ Sat March 3rd, 2012 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

"Hell yeah!" he said, smiling again and going to his wife.

"We're heading down for a bite to eat. Ya comin or goin?" he said, hand on the small of her back.

"Discussing how to get on ground and cause mischief?" she said to him, smiling as well.

The admiral noticed the immediate relaxation in her body language and demeanor.

"Oh you know it baby. I'll take that as a no?" such happiness in his face and voice. He was thrilled to be having this - work - encounter with his partner.

"Not my style. You can keep the dirt to yourself," she said, crossing her arms, but both the Major and the Admiral did catch the look he gave her in return. A "yeah right" look. While the Admiral understood more, the Major just wrote it off, walking with Angel to the door.

Tracy meanwhile turned back to their commanding officer, nodded her head politely and left as well.

Author:  pjblazer [ Sat March 3rd, 2012 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Kris smiled to himself and wished to find something like that one day for himself. "The 440th just came off rotation from the USS DEMOSTHENES. We were primarily tasked with diplomatic security for the Ambassadorial Tour that the ship had been assigned to. Some of my men are glad to be rotated off of that assignment primarily because they want to get some action. These youngsters never quite learn, do they?" Kris said, as they walked down the corridor.

"Anyways, as you might have read, the 440th is actually a composite company, containing different platoon elements including a Spec-Ops squad, an Artillery Platoon, and an Intelligence squad, as well as the standard Rifle platoon. My top, First Sargeant Kurasaki, is one of the best in the business. He's turned down mustang offers numerous times. Says he doesn't want to get into any more bureaucratic mess than he is right now. I couldn't find a better man for the position. Lieutenants Morak and Thorik are both very capable officers and will one day have their own companies as well. As for myself, I'm jump certified, as well as checked out to fly most small craft, mostly because I like to join the Spec-Ops squad on occasion."

As they reached a small cafe, Kris turned to Angel and shrugged. "I have to admit tho, sir, I have heard a good deal about you, but I'm not sure what exactly exactly is scuttlebut and what is true."

Author:  Forge04 [ Sat March 3rd, 2012 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

They walked in and went to the bar, sitting down.

"Hey Georgie!" Angel said to the keep, who smiled and greeted him warmly. "Well, the youngters can be tempered by sound leadership, you and me, and by training training training. We'll see about using the holodecks as much as possible, I like to roll safeties turned down a notch, at least at that age.

Nothing like a little sting to motivate." Both of them smiled.

"I've heard of Kurasaki. Actually thought about requesting him instead of Sergeant Major Ylim. My right hand," he said, giving the Major that, 'I know what you mean' look.

"As for what's true and what's not, hell, I don't even know where to begin. Specialized in combat at the Academy. All types. Fighters is my bread an butter though. Got assigned a great ship and Capn, then a shitty one. Needless to say we didn't see eye to eye. He killed my wing, I sent him to the infirmary, I got kicked out. End of Starfleet chapter. Start and end of Penal colony chapter. Begin MACO chapter.

General Wolv brought me back, albeit in a MACO uni, and I've been loving it ever since.

Saw some action pretty much everywhere. Sector X we got Gen. Wolv out of there and shut a hornet's nest before it exploded. Poighet saw us mobilized with the whole fleet, heavy - heavy action planet-side and in vacuum.

You shoulda been there man," Angel said, taking the shot down his gullet as soon as George put in on the bar.

Author:  pjblazer [ Sun March 4th, 2012 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Kris took a swig of the Saurian Brandy that the bartender had poured him. "Gotta love the guys who remember your favorite drink." Kris chuckled, which sounded a bit more like a hiss than anything else.

"I wish I would have had you with me back at Camp Necessity. We were doing a relief effort near the Klingon border when the Fleet bugged out, leaving us all behind. Took me and my men nearly a month to get back into Fed space. I never did find out who ordered the turn-tail from the Fleet side, but if I ever do, I might be following in your footsteps, Angel."

Kris realized he was really starting to like the man. It was partly his demeanor, his attitude, but also the way he kept his eyes open. Kris made sure that they sat in an easily defensible position, and kept a close watch on all of the entry and exit points of the room. Old habits tend to die hard.

"Maybe one of these days we'll have to schedule some time to take a couple fighters out for a spin. I haven't made Ace, just yet, but I bet you've still got a lot to teach me." Kris lifted his next shot in salute to his new friend.

Author:  blak'ika [ Sun March 4th, 2012 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Lieutenant Carter H'Pok stepped sharply off of the transporter pad, he was finally here. "Here" being Starbase 39-Sierra, bordering Romulan space. It had been too long since he had been here. His father was a Romulan that had lived on the station for a short time, before he had been arrested as a Romulan spy.

He had little time for reminiscence. His duty now was to report to Admiral Klena. Making his way to her office he made an appointment with the Lieutenant outside of the office, then sat in one the the chairs aside to wait...

Author:  blak'ika [ Sun March 4th, 2012 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Lieutenant Carter H'Pok stepped sharply off of the transporter pad, he was finally here. "Here" being Starbase 39-Sierra, bordering Romulan space. It had been too long since he had been here. His father was a Romulan that had lived on the station for a short time, before he had been arrested as a Romulan spy.

He had little time for reminiscence. His duty now was to report to Admiral Klena. Making his way to her office he made an appointment with the Lieutenant outside of the office, then sat in one the the chairs aside to wait...

OOC: sorry about the double post, any way to remove it?

Author:  spaceinvader2240 [ Sun March 4th, 2012 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Klena's desk comm chimed, indicating an incoming message. With the other officers having moved on to read up on the associated documents and get to know their support staff, she was free to answer it.


"Ma'am," The orderly, a young lieutenant replied, "there's a Lieutenant H'Pok to see you."

Klena was impressed. The young lieutenant actually ran appointments for a number of officers in this wing. Her other officers had simply reported in though. She would have to break him of the behavior. She had an open door policy for her officers, doubly so with this crew of entirely volunteers.

"Send him in."

She leaned against the edge of her desk and waited as he entered the room. She'd read his file, knew of his Romulan heritage. He'd passed Starfleet security though, that was enough.

She offered a hand. "Welcome to Starbase 39-Sierra."

Author:  blak'ika [ Sun March 4th, 2012 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Carter stepped into the admiral's office, it was nice, but there was an air about it that made it seem temporary. Of course, meeting here on Starbase 39 would also only be temporary. The admiral surprised him by offering her hand in a human handshake, "Welcome to Starbase 39-Sierra." Accepting the hand offered, Carter raised an eyebrow, his tattoo rising with it, "Thank you,, ma'am, ahem, Admiral." What was the proper way to address a female superior?!?!? Carte thought.

"Lieutenant Carter H'Pok reporting for duty, Admiral."

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