The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)
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Author:  Jovus Amberose [ Fri March 23rd, 2012 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Jovus took the turbolift up, smiling to himself as it passed deck 11 and kept going. He didn't know quite who to expect in the conference room. The admiral would no doubt be there, but his fellow officers were going to be interesting to meet.

The lift chimed as it came to a stop. It was his first look at some of this area of the ship.

"So damn big!" he muttered to himself.

The conference room door loomed like a chasm before him, he girded himself with a deep breath....then keyed the door open and strode in.

Author:  pjblazer [ Fri March 23rd, 2012 4:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Kris watched as the other officers filed in one by one, taking seats around the conference table. He remained standing off to the side of the room, observing the interactions with the crew. He expected Angel to make an appearance for this meeting as well.

Author:  Forge04 [ Fri March 23rd, 2012 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

They entered together. Not holding hands or anything else, but smiled at each other more with respect than affection as they split to their different seats.

His was over with the major, hers by their Admiral's side.

Angel felt the eyes on his sidearm strapped to his thigh. He hoped they understood what it meant.

They were always at war. Always in danger.

And that he knew how to use it.

He found his seat and slipped into it, leaning onto the right armrest more so, ease and calm emanating from him as he smiled and cracked a low joke to his fellow ground pounder, who smiled and chuckled himself.

Tracy passed behind the Admiral and gently put her hand half on the Vulcan's chair and half on her shoulder, as if to say "all is well" and took her own seat. She looked at the senior staff in the room and admired the vast array of people assembled.

A fine mission this would be.

Author:  spaceinvader2240 [ Fri March 23rd, 2012 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Klena activated the holographic projector on the conference room table. It displayed a map of the current sector block, with three highlighted locations. Hobus, Telchas, and the Deep Space Sector in question were spread out along the neutral zone.

"Thank you all for coming, I trust that you've read the databurst from Starfleet Intelligence about possible locations of interest." Klena paused, glanced from person to person in the room. "We have no clear leads about which location they would be holding the senators."

She changed the projector image, displaying the Romulan Admiral in question. "This is Admiral Ryi, he has strong support from the Tal'Shiar, but his support among the Romulan Fleet is not as secure. There have been no reports of an civil disturbances since his proclamation, but Starfleet Intelligence does believe that there is widespread unrest building as a result of the military coup."

She brought back the map. "Our immediate task however, is to find the senators. My superiors believe that if we can return the civilian government to the Romulan people, the situation will calm down and the peace process can begin again."

She leaned forward in her chair. "Thoughts?"

She was sure the open floor would catch many of the junior officers off guard. However, time was short and she needed their input now.

OCC: back link to the intel post

Author:  Jovus Amberose [ Fri March 23rd, 2012 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Jovus opened his mouth and was talking before he realised, " Admiral? We're going to be the hugest blip on every scanner for lightyears, how the heck are we going to get anywhere without getting mobbed?"

He realised he was jumping in, both feet first as usual, and slumped back in the chair.

Author:  pjblazer [ Fri March 23rd, 2012 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Kris had been chuckling at some of the jokes he and Angel had been sharing, but the time for that was over. It was time for all business. "Admiral, from the Intel that we've received, the most likely locations would be Telchas or R-7325. At least, that's where I would hold up if I were in their position."

Kris looked around the room and noticed that some of the officers present looked surprised or deep in thought. "One thing that we have going for us is my unit. While 3rd Platoon doesn't specialize in Hostage Rescue, they are specifically trained in infiltration and extraction. With Fleet Colonel Davis' expertise, we can definitely get in and out of tough situations. The biggest problem we are going to run in to is getting to each system without being put upon by every Romulan ship within the entire Star Empire."

Author:  blak'ika [ Fri March 23rd, 2012 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Carter thought for a moment on the MACO Officers' comments, then spoke, addressing the admiral, "Perhaps it would assist if I were to be present at any communications with the Romulans? There is typcially a sense of unspoken honor between Rihannsu that may aid us in our mission." Carter felt slightly embarrassed at having stepped out like this, but felt like he should do what he could to help with the mission

Author:  Asklepian [ Sat March 24th, 2012 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Elysia remained silent. She was a diplomatic personality, but seeing as they had been send on this rescue mission, she was pretty certain the Romulans could not be talked into giving up their hostages. She looked at the Officer who was sitting beside her as he spoke up, noticing his slight embaressment. But there really was no reason for him to feel embaressed, at least not in her humble opinion. His words were sound enough. She kept her eyes on him for a few long moments, but turned her attention to the Admiral again, as the Captain replied...

Author:  spaceinvader2240 [ Sat March 24th, 2012 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Klena glanced back and forth as each officer took their turn to say something. In truth, they'd hit upon some of the issues she'd already considered. However, they didn't have the option to quit. "To answer the obvious question, how are we to get anywhere near these outposts without being seen, I do not know."

Twas a dangerous game she was playing. "However, before we worry about 'how to get there,' we need to figure out if they are there in the first place." She paused, calling up a previously restricted piece of data. "To this end, there is a Ferengi commerce station within the sector. According to Starfleet Intelligence, a number of... illicit supply contracts to the Romulans unaffiliated with the Romulan government. It's continued existence in recent years also leads us to believe the Tal'Shiar use it."

"The station isn't frequented by Starfleet ships though, bringing the Tempestas to it would likely attract unwarranted attention. However, a small away team might be able to slip in unnoticed by Romulan sentries, particularly if we can disguise their method of entry. Ideas on how to accomplish this?"

Author:  Jovus Amberose [ Sun March 25th, 2012 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Tasking: Romulus (Forum RP: IC Thread)

Jovus glanced around before opening his mouth this time, so many strangers giving him some uncertainty that wasn't normal to his character,

"Junkers. We pick up some junkers," At the blank expressions he expanded on his statement, "Old Grouser runs a reclamation yard near Taugus, collects old junker spacecraft and resells them. We could pick up a couple in trade, he's an ancient Lethean who got his brain ripped up by one of his own kind so he might be willing to barter for some medical assistance....he has headaches like you wouldn't believe, and everyone near him gets to feel them too."

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