The in-game 12th fleet is our principle Federation fleet (aka "Main fleet"). All active members
must keep their Main character in Main fleet. Active members may also keep Alt characters in main fleet. There is currently no limit on the number of characters you are permitted to keep in the Main fleet.
Members may
temporarily remove their Main toon from Main fleet for various purposes (such as shopping) and later request a reinvite from any available officer to return to the fleet. However,
any member who has had no toon in Main fleet for over thirty days when preliminary activity checks are performed may be summarily kicked from the fleet without warning. (See
activity check procedures.)
12th Fleet Reserves:
The 12th Fleet Reserves (aka "Reserves") was originally created for members to keep their Federation Alts because we were at, or near, the 500 member cap in Main fleet. Now Reserves is primarily for the toons of Veterans Division members. Active members may also keep alts in Reserves, but most keep their alts in Main fleet which has better stores (though the Fleet Bank in Reserves has a better stock of crafting supplies). There is currently no limit on the number of characters you are permitted to keep in the Reserves fleet.
12th Honor Guard:
The 12th Honor Guard is our KDF fleet. It houses the KDF alts of both active members and Veterans Division members. There is currently no limit on the number of characters you are permitted to keep in 12th Honor Guard.
NOTE: Because there is an in-game cap of 500 fleet members, the rules on how many alts (if any) you may keep in the above fleets are subject to change if we get close to the cap for that fleet.