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 Post subject: Divisions
PostPosted: Fri March 2nd, 2012 8:25 am 
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Joined: Sat January 9th, 2010 3:08 am
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12th Fleet is made up of divisions, each with its own focus or theme. The divisions within the fleet help us to administer the fleet to better serve our members, as well as providing groups for members of similar interest. Members are asked to choose the division that suits best what they like to do in Star Trek Online. The choice you make is not final, at any point in time you may request a division transfer. Your division does not limit what you can do; all members can partake in any fleet event, whatever their division. Divisions welcome all in-game careers, you do NOT have to join the division that matches your character's "career" in-game. Instead join the division that focuses on your main game-play interest or has a theme that fits your style.

Division list:

Also concerning Fleet Charter:
Directives, Fleet Ranks, Fleet Background


Last edited by Amicus on Wed May 22nd, 2024 8:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Updated focus tags to be consistent with recruit form changes

 Post subject: Engineering
PostPosted: Mon March 5th, 2012 7:03 pm 
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So what exactly is engineering, and more to the point do I have to play an engineer in order to join this division....

Oh dear, I am confused and my head hurts!.

Well wonder no more, first of all even if you are a Star Trek veteran or you have never even seen the show, but just fancied the game the divisions will no doubt be a little confusing. Basically all they are, are sections of the fleet to organise and pop people together who share a common interest. Be it STF’s, PVP or Role Playing. This does not mean that you can’t ever do the other activates or even hang out in the forums. We actively encourage as much inter fleet interaction as possible. It just means that your home divisions caters to your very favourite activity.

So that said, what do we cater to in engineering?. We cater to casual Player versus Enviroment, we are the laid back arm of the fleet and will pretty much take any class for this purpose. There is no requirement to stay in Engineering above the global activity standards. However if anyone is particularly active on the games or forums we will be rewarding with promotions and later with our specially designed set of medals for many different occasions.

So if you just want to play the game, and not really worry about anything much, then Engineering is for you!. In the future we will be running events both fun and irreverent as well some with a more organised intent. However regardless of this we will never be elite here. Generally everyone acts in the division like they are an engineer, however this is nothing to do with who they play in game, this is merely a role play hook based on the name of our division, and because it’s fun.

So if you want casual and relaxed, play the game, make friends and hang out...maybe engineering is for you?

 Post subject: Science
PostPosted: Mon March 5th, 2012 7:04 pm 
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The 12th Fleet’s Science Division is a home for members who enjoy the intellectual as well as the martial aspects of Star Trek Online. Science combines what was formally the Exploration and Medical divisions of 12th Fleet, and its focus includes: (1) Group PVE (Player versus Environment) play in the game; (2) Creative Writing, and (3) Role Playing.

As with other 12th Fleet divisions, don’t let the division’s name confuse you. Science is composed of members who play all career types in STO. We welcome tactical officers and engineers in our ranks as well as scientists.

Do you enjoy teaming up with friends and beating that Featured Episode? How about working together hunting down those elusive accolades, or what about jumping on just for fun to kill time with your fellow fleet mates? Then Science is the place for you! Group PvE is a big part of our focus in Science Division, be it casual, serious, new or experienced.

Do you enjoy creative writing? Our division takes up the daunting task of exploring the unknown reaches of Star Trek through storytelling. New or veteran writers of all levels are always welcomed. Come check out our writing forums to read all the excellent stories, and if brave enough, share one of yours.

If your main interest in Star Trek Online is Role playing then please select Science! We aim to facilitate both solo and group role playing with advice, tips, tricks, guides and role play events.

Lastly, we have plenty of opportunity for advancement, and chances to earn prestigious medals to show off. :)

If any of this sounds appealing to you, then Science Division is the right place for you. So apply today!

 Post subject: Tactical
PostPosted: Mon March 5th, 2012 7:05 pm 
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Tactical: adroit in planning or maneuvering to accomplish a purpose;
using or being weapons of force employed at the battlefront.

Tactical Division is comprised of players who enjoy the excellent combat of Star Trek Online in all its forms, but with a focus on combat in space. Whether you are a hard-core optimizer or a beginner that wishes to improve their build and enjoy coordinated space fighting, Tactical is the division for you.

Come join friendly wing mates as we work together to improve our skills and have fun playing the game. We strive to assist our members in becoming practiced team players and in obtaining the equipment they need to excel in space combat. You will find our members most at home in the Advanced and Elite complex space combat actions.

Many of our officers have in-depth game knowledge that they are more than happy to share. Within our division's forums you will find guides for starship performance, builds, and various other tools to help fine tune your space combat skills, as well as a place to ask questions and debate tactics and builds.

Historically Tactical Division’s focus was Space PvP. As the game evolved this aspect of STO has been neglected and is no longer relevant today, so the focus of the division has changed with the game. If you are interested in this aspect of the game, there are long-serving members of Tactical experienced in PvP that are willing to provide guidance.

Like other 12th Fleet division names, please understand that though our division is called "Tactical" it consists of more than tactical captains. In order to win in space combat, we greatly need balanced teams with science, engineering, and tactical officers. All are invited to join us.

Tactical Division is a part of 12th fleet, and as such we are casual players with relaxed and friendly attitudes. While the division focuses on space combat, many of us participate in the various other elements of STO with the rest of 12th fleet.

The space combat engine in Star Trek Online reigns supreme as the best in the MMO world today. After spending the time to level a character and relish the brilliant content provided by the developers, there comes a point when you need more challenge. You are ready to graduate to 12th Fleet's Tactical Division. Welcome!

 Post subject: MACO
PostPosted: Mon March 5th, 2012 7:14 pm 
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We live in a dangerous galaxy surrounded by threats from all manner of aliens, bugs and cybernetic menaces- but someone has to keep it safe! That someone could be YOU! We are the Military Assault Command Operations of the 12th fleet, the front line defenders of freedom and liberty in the Federation! We go where others fear to go, we are the first ones in and the last ones out. We are the rough and the rowdy- the meanest ships in the stars and the baddest boots on the ground!

The MACO division of the 12th Fleet focuses on general PvE play with group activity and the occasional Twitch livestream as part of our fun. We have an Army or Marine Corps feel from a roleplay perspective, with several division specific awards that reflect a 'day at the range' series of activities. MACO's primary focus is group activity with other players in the Fleet to work together to have an enjoyable time in the game. While MACO's theme and awards are largely based on ground DPS accomplishments, as a group we participate in all aspects of the game, space included!

If getting together with your new comrades in arms to bring a little freedom to the Galaxy sounds like a good time, sign up today!


 Post subject: Section 31
PostPosted: Wed October 19th, 2016 5:23 am 
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Section 31


Welcome to Section 31! Do you enjoy secrecy? Working behind the scenes? Looking for excitement and LOTS AND LOTS OF FUN? If so, Then come and join S31!

Whatever you prefer, we do it. There is nothing that we cannot, nor will not, do to help you. If you are looking for a bit of everything, casual or serious, then S31 is the Division for you. Need an Accolade? We'll help. Want to level up fast? We'll help. Want to participate in Group PvE? We'll help with that and with everything in-between as well, that's what we're all about. In short, we just generally play the game in its entirety and enjoy the many in-game activities and missions that are available. As a Division, we like nothing more than teaming up with other members to have a laugh and enjoy the game.

Our main forum is the Section 31 Division Listening Post, this is where S31 Operatives and Fleet members share their division related information, discuss various aspects of the game and simply have some fun. We also have a number of medals that can be earned in various ways, and these are linked to most aspects of the game as well as community activities as a whole. We also have "The Lounge" forum, where S31 and the rest of the fleet can just hang out and have a laugh with each other.

Remember, we watch those who need to be watched and report back what we find, we specialize in Covert Ops and our name is whispered in dark corners, a name to be feared. We send our operatives to the darkest corners of the galaxy, and when they return to us, they make us stronger, wiser, and better prepared for what is to come. Where others can not and will not go...We will!

We are the eyes and ears of the fleet, the shadow that is never seen. When called upon we will do whatever is asked of us, and whatever needs to be done..


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