The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [ACCEPTED] Engineering
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Author:  fatcatbox [ Sun June 16th, 2024 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [ACCEPTED] Engineering

Character's Game ID Name@Handle (e.g., John@Nickname):
ARC/STO forum name/ID:
(To find your ARC/STO ID, see ... e#/profile.)
Please list any STO Fleets of which you are currently or were formerly a member:
section 31
What were your reasons for leaving former STO fleets (if applicable):
not active enough
Real life age:
Residence: ( ) US, ( ) Europe, ( ) Asia, ( ) Other:
Timezone (+/-GMT):

How did you hear about the 12th fleet?
from your

medic357's twitch stream
What made you interested in choosing the 12th fleet?
the high activity in tfos


What days and times are you usually online?:
weekends mostly

How long have you been playing STO? Do you have experience with any other MMOs (which one(s) and how long)?:
a couple years. yes swtor a few months

How will you be a benefit to 12th Fleet?
a nice friendly active player


Will you use fleet Discord (voice chat)? Y / N :
If yes, what is your Discord name/ID? yes. discord name catfatbox


i wish to join the engineering divison

If you fail an Activity Check you will be made inactive and removed from the fleet, Please read our Activity Policy and acknowledge your agreement to the requirements below by selecting yes.

Do you agree to the fleet's activity requirements? Y/N :
yes i do

We ask that, where possible, you provide Command at least 3 days notice of your intention to leave the Fleet. This has been traditionally considered good courtesy, and gives us an opportunity to conduct the necessary administration.

Author:  Amicus [ Sun June 16th, 2024 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fatcatbox application to 12th Fleet


I am currently processing your application for 12th Fleet!
If you have not done so yet, please read through our Public Access Information.

Author:  Amicus [ Mon June 17th, 2024 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [PROCESSING] Engineering



Hello Fatcatbox!

I need some information to complete processing your application:

    You did not respond to the question in the application requesting that you acknowledge and accept the activity requirements for 12th Fleet members. While our activity requirements are fairly relaxed, they are, nonetheless, an essential part of being in 12th Fleet. Your understanding and acceptance of them is a necessary part of the application. You can find a full explanation of the Fleet activity requirements in our Information Hub here:

    Please confirm your understanding and acceptance of our activity requirements by either, editing your application above, posting your acceptance of it in reply to this thread, or sending me a private message in this forum.

When you have responded to the activity requirement portion, then I can complete processing your application. If you need further information or are unsure of what you are being asked to do for the above, please don't hesitate to PM me, or leave a question in this thread.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Author:  fatcatbox [ Mon June 17th, 2024 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [INFO NEEDED] Engineering

updated application with yes i do accept the fleet activity requirements

Author:  Amicus [ Mon June 17th, 2024 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [PROCESSING] Engineering



Welcome to 12th Fleet!

You have passed our security check, and are now a member of 12th Fleet!

Someone from your division should be along "shortly" (for sure within 24 hours) to give you your divisional assignment and game invite.

While you wait, I recommend you read our Member Access Information.

Author:  fatcatbox [ Mon June 17th, 2024 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [PROCESSING] Engineering

I have left Section 31 and am awaiting invitation to the 12 fleet please and thank you

Author:  Valerie [ Mon June 17th, 2024 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [APPROVED] Engineering


For Eng command- this player DM'd me in-game night just now so I sent the fleet and chat invites to Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 as they were wishing to begin participating. Apologies, didn't mean to overstep but I also didn't want to let a recruit wait when I could fix it on the spot.

Author:  Amicus [ Mon June 17th, 2024 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [APPROVED] Engineering

Hehe, yes, the procedure is recruits should get the invites only after they get accepted to their division, so that the division relationship is established, and their squad assignment, initial information and introductory material is given to them by their division. I send out e-mails to everyone in a division's Command as soon as I approve the application, so that they know to get to the forum and post the acceptance as soon as they can.

If someone asks you to send an invite before they have been accepted, the procedure is to let the recruit know that we are waiting for their division to post the acceptance in the forum which should take no more than 24 hours from when their application was approved (as per the statement in my "Approval" notice).

After the recruit has been accepted to a division, then anyone that's available can send the invites, but usually their division is on top of the invites within minutes at that point. It is good form to let a division know you sent the invites, if you get to it before anyone in the recruit's division (so they don't waste time trying to send the invites).

In the event that a division fails to post an acceptance within 24 hours (very rare), another division can accept the recruit (in order of the recruit's division preference selection if preferences are answered in the application).

Author:  Lupy [ Mon June 17th, 2024 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [ACCEPTED] Engineering


Welcome to the 12th Fleet and ENGINEERING

I assign you as an Ensign to BETA SQUADRON under Captain Khaldore

If you haven't already, I recommend you read through our Information Index as it contains information on all our Communication Channels as well as other important information (e.g., it explains how as a new or returning member, you must go through the Recruit rank for a month before you will have full access to fleet stores in-game).

You need to set your forum avatar to Ensign! You can set your forum avatar here, just select the Local gallery Category: Engineering (be sure you unselect Command Advisor). Then press the "Go" button to see the selection of 9 Engineering avatars. Choose the Ensign avatar (first one on the top left). After that press the "Submit" button and you are done.

In the next few minutes I will be sending you invites in-game to join the main fleet and 12th chat. You will find the fleet invite in your Fleet window, and the chat invite will be in your chat options under the "Channels" tab. Be sure to press the button to join the "12th" chat channel. The "12th" channel is shared by all our fleets (Main, Reserves, and KDF), and it is where almost all our chat happens in game. We are going to seem like a very quiet fleet if you are not on the "12th" channel. ;) (See Infohub: Communication Channels.)


Author:  Stromgold [ Mon June 17th, 2024 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Gal'pom@fatcatbox#2869 [ACCEPTED] Engineering

Welcome to the 12th!

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