The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Application- Air_Force_Man12: [SCHK] Tactical/Intel/Explo
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Author:  Air_Force_Man12 [ Tue April 27th, 2010 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Application- Air_Force_Man12: [SCHK] Tactical/Intel/Explo

Hello 12th Fleet Members,

I am Air_Force_Man12 and I am a relatively new player to STO and am looking for a fleet. I should have some free time here in the next month or so where I could be pretty active in the fleet. I am a reliable person who is loyal to my group. I'll be ready for a fight anytime, anywhere. Currently I am a LT 10 with a Centaur-class Light Cruiser, so I'm not far along yet. But I would like to join and make friends here.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Author:  Nishka [ Tue April 27th, 2010 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application- Air_Force_Man12: Tactical/Intel/Exploration

Heya Air force man! Glad to see you found your way to our forums. :D

I do have a question though, could you please fill out the form below? We need answers to those questions to process your application. ^_^

List All of your STO Forum Aliases or other accounts:

Character's name:

STO Forum Name:
Link to STO forum profile:

Name on the fleet forums (meaning here):

Real life age:

Residence: ( ) US, ( ) EU, ( ) Asia, ( ) Other:

Timezone (+/-GMT):


How did you hear about the 12th fleet?

What made you interested in choosing the 12th fleet?


Primary STO interest (Mark all that apply to you):

( ) solo PvE, ( ) Group PvE, ( ) Raiding, ( ) PVP, ( ) Crafting/Trading

What days and times are you usually online?:



Primary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( ) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, ( ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, ( ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Secondary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( ) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, ( ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, ( ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Have you ever played an MMORPG? If so, which one and how long:


In a paragraph please explain how you will benefit the 12th fleet?


Will you give your future division's Rear Admiral at least 3 days notice if you decide to resign? Y / N

Will you use Fleet Teamspeak Voice Chat? Y / N

Author:  Air_Force_Man12 [ Tue April 27th, 2010 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application- Air_Force_Man12: Tactical/Intel/Exploration

Oh, of course. Just realised I didn't post this correctly. The information you requested is below.

List All of your STO Forum Aliases or other accounts:

Character's name: Air_Force_Man12

STO Forum Name: Air_Force_Man12
Link to STO forum profile:

Name on the fleet forums (meaning here): Air_Force_Man12

Real life age: 20

Residence: (X) US, ( ) EU, ( ) Asia, ( ) Other:

Timezone (+/-GMT): Alaska Time


How did you hear about the 12th fleet?

People on the STO Forums. Sounded like a nice place to meet up and play with friends.

What made you interested in choosing the 12th fleet?

Tired of playing solo most of the time. Would like to try PvP with a reliable fleet to help me figure it out.


Primary STO interest (Mark all that apply to you):

( ) solo PvE, (X) Group PvE, (X) Raiding, (X) PVP, (X) Crafting/Trading

What days and times are you usually online?: It is kind of random. I have lots of school, but I get on when I can. Normally weekends.



Primary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, (X) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, ( ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, ( ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Secondary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( ) Tactical, (X) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, ( ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, ( ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Have you ever played an MMORPG? If so, which one and how long: None, this is my first.


In a paragraph please explain how you will benefit the 12th fleet?

I am a reliable and loyal person. I have played other online games where I have held Diplomat and other positions within a fleet or clan. So I have a little experiance. This is my first MMORPG but I am willing to learn. When playing, I am more than willing to help other fleet members, in combat or what ever maybe required.


Will you give your future division's Rear Admiral at least 3 days notice if you decide to resign? Yes

Will you use Fleet Teamspeak Voice Chat? No, but I can try to get it.

Author:  odingrey [ Tue April 27th, 2010 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application- Air_Force_Man12: Tactical/Intel/Exploration

Welcome to the forums!
soooooooo AF Man... What's your AFSC?

Author:  Nishka [ Tue April 27th, 2010 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application- Air_Force_Man12: Tactical/Intel/Exploration

Oh, of course. Just realised I didn't post this correctly. The information you requested is below.

Np mate, the info you gave will work fine. ^_^
Your application is also officially being processed now. ;)


Author:  Air_Force_Man12 [ Tue April 27th, 2010 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application- Air_Force_Man12: Tactical/Intel/Exploration

odingrey wrote:
Welcome to the forums!
soooooooo AF Man... What's your AFSC?

Currently I have no AFSC. I am a ROTC Cadet at my University, training to be an Officer in the Air Force. Hence why school is so hecktic for me and why I don't play often. Actually, this summer I am going to Field Training (Officer boot camp) for a month. I'm looking into pilot, UAV operatior, Maintainence Officer, or something like that for a job once I graduate.

Thanks! I am excited to join this fleet! :)

Author:  odingrey [ Tue April 27th, 2010 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application- Air_Force_Man12: [SCHK] Tactical/Intel/Explo

Ah, I gotcha. I was assuming since you were 20 you weren't an officer yet so I figured you were most likely enlisted.

Author:  Air_Force_Man12 [ Tue April 27th, 2010 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application- Air_Force_Man12: [SCHK] Tactical/Intel/Explo

Yep, I'm on my way! Just Field Training and another 2 years or so of school. Long way to go, but I think it should be worth it in the end. Summer is upon us and I'm looking forward to a little time off. So STO and this fleet I think will help. :)

Author:  odingrey [ Tue April 27th, 2010 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application- Air_Force_Man12: [SCHK] Tactical/Intel/Explo

Yea, it's definitely a different world. Lemme know how it works out for you. And tell me how field training is, lol. I just had an old buddy of mine get out of that. BMT was interesting but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Expect a lot of mind games.

Author:  Air_Force_Man12 [ Wed April 28th, 2010 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application- Air_Force_Man12: [SCHK] Tactical/Intel/Explo

odingrey wrote:
Yea, it's definitely a different world. Lemme know how it works out for you. And tell me how field training is, lol. I just had an old buddy of mine get out of that. BMT was interesting but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Expect a lot of mind games.

Oh yea, mind games galore... The only difference between BMT and Field Training other than length, is the mentality. At BMT you are being yelled at to do something. At Field Training, you are being yelled at about what you should be doing. Meaning your in charge planning ops. Thats the main difference. It will be different, thats for sure...

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