The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Application: dsimms [ACCEPTED] Tactical
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Author:  dsimms [ Tue April 13th, 2010 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Application: dsimms [ACCEPTED] Tactical

List All of your STO Forum Aliases or other accounts: dsimms

Character's name: DaveS

STO Forum Name: dsimms
Link to STO forum profile:

Name on the fleet forums (meaning here): dsimms

Real life age: 40

Residence: (x) US, ( ) EU, ( ) Asia, ( ) Other:

Timezone (+/-GMT):


How did you hear about the 12th fleet?
Was looking around the STO forums, and
seem 12th fleet mentioned quite a bit.

What made you interested in choosing the 12th fleet?
I ended up on the 12th fleet forum that was closed, and
looked quite extensive, so I decided to go with the 12th fleet.


Primary STO interest (Mark all that apply to you):

( ) solo PvE, (X) Group PvE, (x) Raiding, (X) PVP, ( ) Crafting/Trading

What days and times are you usually online?:
I am very flexible. I am mostly online all the time during
the day, and most nights. and 99% of the time, I could
be called by cell or email on a moments notice if the
time is reasonable.



Primary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, (x) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, ( ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, ( ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Secondary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( ) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, (X) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, ( ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Have you ever played an MMORPG? If so, which one and how long:

STO would be the first.

In a paragraph please explain how you will benefit the 12th fleet?

I would hope I would benefit from the fleet, so I can assist the
fleet, and help other fleet members as they come aboard.


Will you give your future division's Rear Admiral at least 3 days notice if you decide to resign? Y / N

Will you use Fleet Teamspeak Voice Chat? Y / N
If someone can explain, and assit on getting this
going, then I would be more then happy to get
involved with chat.

Author:  T'Hor [ Tue April 13th, 2010 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application: dsimms

Welcome to the forums dsimms, and good luck with your application. Nice to see others with no MMO experience too :beer:
Hope you have a good time with the game, and a long and fine future within 12th fleet. :vulcan2:

Author:  dsimms [ Tue April 13th, 2010 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application: dsimms

Welcome to the forums dsimms, and good luck with your application. Nice to see others with no MMO experience too
Hope you have a good time with the game, and a long and fine future within 12th fleet.


Yes Sir, if I did not like ST, then I would not be here at all. I like STO so far, but I also think it still
has a long way to does have some great potential if they keep working on STO, and I have
a lot of learning to do, and probably need lots of help along the way....

Author:  T'Hor [ Tue April 13th, 2010 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application: dsimms

dsimms wrote:
I like STO so far, but I also think it still
has a long way to does have some great potential if they keep working on STO

Yes, I guess a lot of us here too feels that too, but that seems to be the norm of MMOs oppoced to other games, they grow as times go by - we just have to hope that it grows fast enough for the masses so they don't jump off.

Author:  dsimms [ Tue April 13th, 2010 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application: dsimms

Yes, I guess a lot of us here too feels that too, but that seems to be the norm of MMOs oppoced to other games, they grow as times go by - we just have to hope that it grows fast enough for the masses so they don't jump off.


Well they did release early...I would not be surprised if alot of them jumped ship shortly after launch...I did not
sign up on day one on purpose...even as STO gets better, then those that did jump will most likely
return...if they want to keep an active user base, then they need to constantly working to improve
STO, or you will continue seeing people jump ship until they get to a point that it will be worth staying.

Author:  T'Hor [ Tue April 13th, 2010 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application: dsimms

dsimms wrote:
Well they did release early...I would not be surprised if alot of them jumped ship shortly after launch...I did not
sign up on day one on purpose...

I got sort of by luck a open beta key and got to try the game before the release, without that I would most likely not have bought the game. I bought Anarchy Online another Sci-Fi MMO many years ago which absolutely was release prematurely. That was absolutely not usable, you got thrown out of the game every few minutes.

There was also bugs in the STO but I felt they was not any that kinda was making the game unplayable, so I took the chance and grabbed a lifetime subscription.

Author:  dsimms [ Tue April 13th, 2010 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application: dsimms

There was also bugs in the STO but I felt they was not any that kinda was making the game unplayable, so I took the chance and grabbed a lifetime subscription.


I am not even a STO guru yet, and I seem bugs right off the bat...and see them posted
daily in the forums...I do not think it will warrant me for a lifetime subscription just
yet...I want to sit back a bit and see if STO is really going to go
the time I do decide, it will probably be too late, and up goes the subscription fee :)

Exactly what do you do in the fleet thor? as I see you are assigned
Exploration Division, Alpha Squadron. What does that mean?

Does STO currently have multiplayer support? lets say Player vs Player
or is it all US against computer enemies...

Author:  Nishka [ Tue April 13th, 2010 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application: dsimms

I think you're gonna like our fleet a lot. You seem to be the kind of guy that would fit in well. :)

Just too bad I can't get more medics! Most people only seem interested in shooting others and then leaving it up to me and my team to stitch up the mess again. :P

Author:  T'Hor [ Tue April 13th, 2010 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application: dsimms

dsimms wrote:
I am not even a STO guru yet, and I seem bugs right off the bat...and see them posted
daily in the forums...I do not think it will warrant me for a lifetime subscription just
yet...I want to sit back a bit and see if STO is really going to go
the time I do decide, it will probably be too late, and up goes the subscription fee :)

I assumed that there would be a lot missing, and more to come - and that was one of the reasons I decided to go for the lifetime. That way I can stick with it through the not so fun periods, and not have the same feel about having to play "all the time" as I guess I would have had if I had a recurring bill come every month.

dsimms wrote:
Exactly what do you do in the fleet thor? as I see you are assigned
Exploration Division, Alpha Squadron. What does that mean?

Well, as there isn't really much to explore in STO as it works today there isn't really something special "job" we do in the Exploration Division. The different divisions and squadrons are not really limiting you as to what you can do in game, but it is more of a way to make smaller units within the 12th community.

dsimms wrote:
Does STO currently have multiplayer support? lets say Player vs Player
or is it all US against computer enemies...

There is PvP opportunities in the game as of today, check the downarrow menu within the game, there you will find PvP queues. It is Ground and Space PvPs upto 20 vs. 20 players.

Author:  dsimms [ Wed April 14th, 2010 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application: dsimms

I guess I will go cruise around a bit in my small ship..
so I can keep getting blasted...

its hard not having a command structure, and
no live communications....:)

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