The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Application - Conrad [ACCEPTED] Exploration
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Author:  Conrad [ Tue April 13th, 2010 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Application - Conrad [ACCEPTED] Exploration

List All of your STO Forum Aliases or other accounts: Conrad (Alt is Dhaemon)

Character's name: Conrad

STO Forum Name: Conrad
Link to STO forum profile: ... 19691/view

Name on the fleet forums (meaning here): Conrad

Real life age: 38

Residence: (X) US, ( ) EU, ( ) Asia, ( ) Other:

Timezone (+/-GMT): Eastern


How did you hear about the 12th fleet? From the STO recruitment forum.

What made you interested in choosing the 12th fleet? I liked what i saw in the STO forum from the numerous other post i looked through. When i came to your official sight and read through the forums I was sold. I still feel like a new guy with STO. My character is maxed out at Rear Admiral 5, but I have not played most aspects of this game and I feel like I need some new direction. I am slowly getting the hang of playing my character correctly and want to learn from experienced players do use him more effectively for fleet grouping and raids. And I belive 12th Fleet has this opportunity.


Primary STO interest (Mark all that apply to you):

(X) solo PvE, (X) Group PvE, (X) Raiding, ( ) PVP, (X) Crafting/Trading

What days and times are you usually online?: My time flip flops alot. I am married and have two children, so I play when I can. Most of my extended play is usually at night once everyone goes to sleep. My Job also makes my play time slightly different from day to day. I work nights and one week i work 2 days and the next 5. I don't want to put down exact times i play because i don't have exact times, but the closest i can give would be after 9pm on the days i don't work.



Primary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( ) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, (X) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, ( ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Secondary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( ) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, ( ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, (X) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Have you ever played an MMORPG? If so, which one and how long:
SWG played it off and on since launch. last time about 8 months ago.
WoW also played it off and on since launch. last time was about 1 1/2 years ago.
City of Heros for about 6 months.
DAoC about 8 months.
EQ about 3 years.

In a paragraph please explain how you will benefit the 12th fleet? I am a very easy to get along with and a no pressure kind of guy. I don't get into drama and definately wont drag the Fleet into something immature. I am a face value guy and will give an honest answer and my honest opinion. But don't be surprised with the occasional saracastic reply...sorry that is wired in...can't get rid of it. :)


Will you give your future division's Rear Admiral at least 3 days notice if you decide to resign? Yes

Will you use Fleet Teamspeak Voice Chat? never used it before, but have used Vent, but will definatly make download and use it.

Author:  Nishka [ Tue April 13th, 2010 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Q

Welcome on our forums! :D

*Offers a choice between earl grey tea, romulan ale and targ milk.*

Somebody will be right at you to process your application further. ;)

Should you get bored, we also have some holodecks for your entertainment.

Author:  artelron [ Tue April 13th, 2010 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Q

You have to pardon Nishka.. umm we don't really have any Romulan Ale. *looks around* but I could get you some for the right amount of credits.

Author:  Conrad [ Tue April 13th, 2010 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Q

Did i make the subject line "Q"? I could of sworn i put application - conrad...or is that a processing kind of thing?

Author:  Nishka [ Tue April 13th, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Q

Conrad wrote:
Did i make the subject line "Q"? I could of sworn i put application - conrad...or is that a processing kind of thing?

Yes you did actually. You made me wonder about it hehe.
I took the liberty to change it for you though. :D

Author:  Conrad [ Tue April 13th, 2010 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - Conrad

hhhmmm...thats me...just trying to get a little more attention :roll:

thanks for the quick fix Nishka, probably would of taken me hours to figure it :o

Author:  Nishka [ Tue April 13th, 2010 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - Conrad

Conrad wrote:
hhhmmm...thats me...just trying to get a little more attention :roll:

thanks for the quick fix Nishka, probably would of taken me hours to figure it :o

Np, it's what I'm here for. ;)
Personally I don't see myself as some leader but rather as a supporter to help everybody in the fleet so they can play the game and aren't bothered with bureaucracy or anything else that keeps people from having a good time and enjoying the game. :P

Author:  Conrad [ Fri April 16th, 2010 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - Conrad [PROCESSING]

I hope no news is good news :P. This is my weekend to work and I do 12 hour shifts so I will not be online much this weekend. I will be on probably after i wake up to do my daily exploration missions. Have a good one and my fingers are still crossed. :vulcan2:

Author:  Nishka [ Fri April 16th, 2010 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - Conrad [PROCESSING]

Conrad wrote:
I hope no news is good news :P. This is my weekend to work and I do 12 hour shifts so I will not be online much this weekend. I will be on probably after i wake up to do my daily exploration missions. Have a good one and my fingers are still crossed. :vulcan2:

Hmmm.. there should have been a reply already... I'll notify the relevant admirals to look into your apply and I'll perform the security check in a few minutes myself. :)

Oi, have you ever posted on the public STO forums? I can't find you there.

Author:  artelron [ Fri April 16th, 2010 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - Conrad [PROCESSING]

His handle is Dubers. I did the SCHK to speed that up a little.

Mr. Conrad, did you ever get your graphics card problem ironed out?
Welcome to the Forums and I hope our fleet meets your expectations.
Next step is to wait for your assigned Admiral. Patience young Padawan.. oh wait wrong game.

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