The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Application - David Ruth [SCHK] Tact/Expl/Engi/Inte/Maco/Med
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Author:  davidruth [ Thu April 8th, 2010 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Application - David Ruth [SCHK] Tact/Expl/Engi/Inte/Maco/Med

Character's name: David Ruth

STO Forum Name: davidruth
Link to STO forum profile:

Name on the fleet forums (meaning here):davidruth

Real life age:34

Residence: ( X ) US, ( ) EU, ( ) Asia, ( ) Other:

Timezone (+/-GMT): PST


How did you hear about the 12th fleet? ... ght=videos

What made you interested in choosing the 12th fleet? Roleplaying and Interaction


Primary STO interest (Mark all that apply to you):

( X ) solo PvE, ( X ) Group PvE, ( X ) Raiding, ( X ) PVP, ( ? not sure how ) Crafting/Trading

What days and times are you usually online?: 6p - 11p PST M- F, Sat All day if possible, Sunday 2p - 11p - off when family needs are required.



Primary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( X ) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, ( X ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, ( X ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Secondary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( ) Tactical, ( X ) Intelligence, ( X ) Maco, ( ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( X ) Medical, ( ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Have you ever played an MMORPG? If so, which one and how long: This is my first MMORPG, unless you count Second Life


In a paragraph please explain how you will benefit the 12th fleet?

I have not really played a MMORPG before so I bring a willingness to learn and to be educated. I do love to roleplay, I played on Second Life for 2 years. I have been playing STO since Feb 10, 2010 and in just 2 weeks time got to RA5. I learn quick. I'm on most of the time as my family needs allow me. I want to get into a good pvp team and I do enjoy pvp'ing as well as solo or team pve. Overall I just love this game!


Will you give your future division's Rear Admiral at least 3 days notice if you decide to resign? Y

Will you use Fleet Teamspeak Voice Chat? Y

Author:  odingrey [ Thu April 8th, 2010 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - David Ruth

Welcome to the forums! GL on the app. I know exploration is recruiting right now.

Author:  technophobe [ Thu April 8th, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - David Ruth

welcome to the fleet!


Author:  Khajjah [ Fri April 9th, 2010 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - David Ruth

If you would like a posting in exploration please PM me. Other division admirals may be by with positions as well so take your preference. Good luck and welcome to the 12th.

Author:  Nishka [ Fri April 9th, 2010 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - David Ruth

Noes! I need him for medical. :P

Still got 6 open spots so if you want in with the medics then give me a heads up. We have choclate chip cookies and tribblecorders to help you out with your duties. ;)

The only requirement that we have is that your main char is a science carreer. :D

Author:  davidruth [ Fri April 9th, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - David Ruth

Nishka wrote:
Noes! I need him for medical. :P

We have choclate chip cookies and tribblecorders to help you out with your duties. ;)

The only requirement that we have is that your main char is a science carreer. :D

Oooh chocholate chip cookies nummy... although my main char is an eng, I do have a sci char though he is my 3rd char.

Exploration or Tactics would be cool.

Author:  Acerion [ Sun April 11th, 2010 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - David Ruth [SCHK] Tact/Expl/Engi/Inte/Maco/Med

hi i see that your intrested in joining tactical if possible would you be able to do a quick interview? if so plz send me a pm and i'll send you a pm with avaliable times.

Author:  odingrey [ Wed April 14th, 2010 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - David Ruth [SCHK] Tact/Expl/Engi/Inte/Maco/Med

Hey David, if you don't hear anything promising, shoot me a PM. Maco is now openly recruiting.

Author:  ThrillaGorilla [ Thu April 15th, 2010 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - David Ruth [SCHK] Tact/Expl/Engi/Inte/Maco/Med

Welcome to the 12th Fleet from everyone in the JAG Corps :bolian:

Author:  Khajjah [ Fri April 16th, 2010 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application - David Ruth [SCHK] Tact/Expl/Engi/Inte/Maco/Med

I love to see the divisions fight for recruits. I think Acerion/tactical gets first shot though. Welcome to the fleet.

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