The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Greetings 12th-fleet, Is there anyway I could join?
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Author:  Vrook [ Tue October 27th, 2009 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Greetings 12th-fleet, Is there anyway I could join?

Hello not long ago I made an account on The Stark Trek Online Site and posted a message on de forum of the 12th-fleet, a friend of me helped me getting started with the game and the site named Craftlord and he said I should make a message here as well. I was hoping I could join the 12th-fleet and become part of the intelligence division in the Alpha Squad. But I have been told that the squad is full and that I would be placed in an other squad. That does not really botter me I just would like to join.

Author:  Vrook [ Tue October 27th, 2009 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings 12th-fleet, Is there anyway I could join?

And some extra info if that matters.
I am from the EU, From The netherlands.

Author:  Mendal [ Tue October 27th, 2009 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings 12th-fleet, Is there anyway I could join?

Welcome. Commanding officers of our fleet will assign you to a division according to your wishes and fleet's needs.
Will see you on the forums.

Author:  Craftlord [ Tue October 27th, 2009 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings 12th-fleet, Is there anyway I could join?

yes exactly what I said shame that alpha is full :cry: but welcome to the fleet! :lol:

Author:  Maverick [ Tue October 27th, 2009 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings 12th-fleet, Is there anyway I could join?

I am glad to see you joining our division! Nice to meet you! :)

Author:  Craftlord [ Tue October 27th, 2009 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings 12th-fleet, Is there anyway I could join?

Vrook wrote:
Hello not long ago I made an account on The Stark Trek Online Site and posted a message on de forum of the 12th-fleet, a friend of me helped me getting started with the game and the site named Craftlord and he said I should make a message here as well. I was hoping I could join the 12th-fleet and become part of the intelligence division in the Alpha Squad. But I have been told that the squad is full and that I would be placed in an other squad. That does not really botter me I just would like to join.

btw there is an edit button that prefents from making 2 posts that are ment for the same thing

Author:  Gildor [ Tue November 3rd, 2009 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings 12th-fleet, Is there anyway I could join?

Welcome to the fleet!

Cya in space soon ;)

Author:  Craftlord [ Tue November 3rd, 2009 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings 12th-fleet, Is there anyway I could join?

Gildor wrote:
Welcome to the fleet!

Cya in space soon ;)

lol gildor now are al the posts out of order

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