The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Re-application: Moran@Wiliam_roy_kirk accepted [Engineering]
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Author:  Arbalest [ Wed October 3rd, 2012 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re-application: Moran@Wiliam_roy_kirk accepted [Engineering]

List all of your STO Forum Aliases, display names or other accounts:

Christina Pike

Character's name (name@handle): Moran@William_Roy_Kirk

STO official forum name/handle: Jacksonkirk

If not filled in above, have you merged your account or posted on the STO Official forums since the accounts had to be merged Y/N:y

Please list former STO fleets (if any):12th fleet

Reason for leaving former STO fleets (if applicable):Time expired and Work took time

Real life age:26

Residence: (X) US, ( ) EU, ( ) Asia, ( ) Other:

Timezone (+/-GMT): -5 Eastern Standard time


How did you hear about the 12th fleet?
Previous member of the fleet

What made you interested in choosing the 12th fleet?
The family atmosphere


STO interests (Please number your interests from 1 to 7 in order of preference, with 1 being your main interest and 7 being your least interest):

(5) General PVE and External Fleet Security [Section 31]
(4) Space PvP [Tactical]
(6) STFs and Ground PvP [MACO]
(1) General PvE [Engineering]
(2) Role Playing [Medical]
(3) Group PvE and Space Exploring (Creative Writing) [Exploration]
(7) General PVE and Item Crafting [Logistics and Supply]

Note that all members can partake in any in-game event, your division does not dictate what you can do, it gives you a place to do what you prefer.

Divisions welcome all in-game careers, you do not have to join the division that your character specialises in in-game. Instead join the division that focusses on your main gameplay interest.


Diplomacy is recruited from within the fleet, tick if you would be interested in the future
( ) Diplomacy


What days and times are you usually online?:Until I get a better schedual it will be at random after 9pm est


Have you ever played an MMORPG? If so, which one and how long:WoW lost count, SWTOR all this year, STO


In a paragraph please explain how you will benefit the 12th fleet? I'm returning to my family and picking up the pieces that were lost in my absence


Will you give your future division's Admiral at least 3 days notice if you decide to resign? Y / N Yes

Will you use Fleet Teamspeak Voice Chat? Y / N yes

Would you be interested in writing or doing art for the the 12th Fleet Magazine? Y / N No

Author:  Loki [ Thu October 4th, 2012 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Re-application: Moran@Wiliam_roy_kirk

Well well look what the cat dragged in!

I can vouch for this guy, not sure I should, may be against my better judgement, but who cares right!

Welcome back to the colonial.......I mean 12th fleet bro, its good to see you again!


Author:  Lupy [ Thu October 4th, 2012 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Re-application: Moran@Wiliam_roy_kirk PROCESSING [Engineering]


I am currently processing your application for 12th Fleet!
If you have not done so yet, please read through this thread: Recruitment Info

Author:  Lupy [ Sat October 6th, 2012 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Re-application: Moran@Wiliam_roy_kirk CSCHK [Engineering]

“Conditional” SCHK

We are now using security protocol 2.

However if you pass one month probation without
incident this will assure full security clearance.

Welcome to 12th Fleet!

You have passed our security check, and are now a member of 12th Fleet!

Someone should be along shortly to give you your divisional assignment.

While you wait, I recommend you read our Information Index.

Author:  Darren6405 [ Sat October 6th, 2012 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Re-application: Moran@Wiliam_roy_kirk CSCHK [Engineering]


Welcome to 12th Fleet and engineering

I assign you to as an Ensign to Eta squad under Captain Delwyn
I recommend you read our 12th Fleet Information Hub as it contains information on all our communication channels as well as other important information.
You can set your avatar here, just click on Display gallery and select the Division and the Ensign avatar. After that submit and you're done.

Author:  Vindere [ Mon October 8th, 2012 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Re-application: Moran@Wiliam_roy_kirk accepted [Engineering]

Welcome back to the Fleet!

Please, if you need anything feel free to ask. The JAG division is here to make your Fleet experience enjoyable. Here is a link to explain what we are about. Fleet Divisions

Also below is the current members of JAG; contact them if you have any issues

Vice Admiral: Velzan Dar
Rear Admiral: Jega Grant
Fleet Captain: ThrillaGorilla

ALPHA SQUAD- Investigations/ General Operations
Agent in Charge: B'ronya
Agent (XO):
Agent: Barton244
Agent: Bhamguy3131
Agent: Vindere

Author:  Delwyn [ Mon October 8th, 2012 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Re-application: Moran@Wiliam_roy_kirk accepted [Engineering]

Welcome Back to the family!!!

It is my pleasure to welcome you aboard Eta Squadron. I am Delwyn, and I'll be your friendly neighborhood Squad Captain. Let me know if you need anything at all, its what I'm here for. In addition, when you get a chance, pop by the Eta Squad Thread and say a quick hello to the gang. You can usually catch me online most nights around 11pm-1am Eastern Time US, but if you need me for anything, I can occasionally arrange to be available earlier in the evenings or on the weekends (unless there is an Auburn or SD Chargers game on 8-) ).

I'll check this evening when I'm on to make sure your invites have all been taken care of and will look forward to seeing you in game at some point.

Once again...Welcome aboard!!!

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