The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Application ... flank
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Author:  flank [ Thu January 28th, 2010 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Application ... flank

Character's name:flank

STO Forum Name:flankkster

Name on the fleet forums (meaning here):flank

Real life age:33

Residence: (X ) US, ( ) EU, ( ) Asia, ( ) Other:

Timezone (+/-GMT): -8 GMT I'm PST


How did you hear about the 12th fleet? STO Forums

What made you interested in choosing the 12th fleet?
I've been reading on various sites all day and I'm very impressed on the command system set forth. I'm also very impressed on the rules of conduct in place. I will be even more impressed if all conduct rules are enforced. I enjoy team play with mature party members. 12th fleet certainly has the numbers from what i can tell and seems to have a nice foundation in place.

Primary STO interest (Mark all that apply to you):

( ) solo PvE, ( X) Group PvE, ( X) Raiding, ( X) PVP, ( ) Crafting/Trading

What days and times are you usually online?: Everyday and I am on different times through out the day and evenings. At the moment I have a ton of free time.



Primary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( ) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, (X ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, ( ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Secondary Division interest: ( ) Diplomacy, ( ) JAG, ( ) Tactical, ( ) Intelligence, ( ) Maco, ( ) Exploration, ( ) Research, ( ) Medical, (X ) Engineering, ( ) Trade and Supplies

Have you ever played an MMORPG? If so, which one and how long:Eve online 1yr, SWG 6 months, WoW since 1st stress test beta until 3.2, Warhammer 2months.


In a paragraph please explain how you will benefit the 12th fleet? I have a plan to put myself ahead of the rest and offer the 12th fleet an officer who will have training above most in Star ship Operations. I do not want others to get my strategy down so that is all I will say at this time. If accepted into the 12th Fleet I will gladly engage in a much deeper conversation about my ideals and strategy for jumping way ahead of most as a Fleet.


Will you give your future division's Rear Admiral at least 3 days notice if you decide to resign? Y / N Yes

Will you use Fleet Ventrillo Voice Chat? Y / N Yes

Author:  Divil [ Thu January 28th, 2010 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application ... flank

Welcome to the 12th fleet forum. Good luck on your application.

Would you please post a link to your STO forum profile here.


Author:  Mjollnir [ Thu January 28th, 2010 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application ... flank

Good luck with your app flank!

Author:  Mendal [ Thu January 28th, 2010 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application ... flank

If you are not assigned to exploration please consider joining Trade since Engineering is full.
If you want to join trade please PM me.

Author:  flank [ Fri January 29th, 2010 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application ... flank

Not sure how to get the link you've requested. On a different note My plans are as follows ... Joined trill 1/4 of the race skills have to be symbiote=+6.7 Star ship Operations 2nd skill Astrophysicst=+10 Star ship Operations 3rd skill Warp Theorist=+10 Warp Core Power .... thus the reason for Xploration and engineering. My joined trill will have the upper hand due to my pre ordered digital copy of STO. Not sure what the trading aspect of the game is all about and I'm not one to troll Auction Houses either. I stand firm on offering my Joined Trill as a Star Ship Operations member.

Author:  odingrey [ Fri January 29th, 2010 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application ... flank

Welcome to the forums!

Glad to get more interest in Exploration.

Author:  flank [ Fri January 29th, 2010 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application ... flank

Ok i figured out how to get the link to my very blan profile ... i have yet to get an avatar etc or signature. I've read a bit on the site here about signatures and the proper ranked Avatars. Here is my link to my profile page

Author:  odingrey [ Fri January 29th, 2010 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application ... flank

Howdy again,

The avatar you want is this: Image

As far as sig goes, just find the normal one and copy that as much as you can. Look at other members without sig pictures.

Author:  flank [ Fri January 29th, 2010 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application ... flank

Roger that working on it now.

Author:  UberLander [ Fri January 29th, 2010 4:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Application ... flank

good luck on pending application

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