Joined: Sat August 11th, 2012 11:22 pm Posts: 639 Location: Stuttgart, Germany

Welcome to the 12th and Engineering Delta Squadron!
I am your Squadron Commanding Officer, Captain Enlistednut09. Please feel free to add me as a friend in the game, my @(at) handle is @Enlistednut09. I'm always available for questions or comments if you have any, and please feel free to message me at any time in game or on the forums.

In the mean time if you have not already done so, please set your avatar to the Engineering Ensign avatar and consider dropping by the Delta Squadron Barracks located in the Engineering section of the forums. I recommend checking the forums and team barracks regularly as this is where you will find everything of importance going on in the Fleet, Division and Squadron. Also if you could please create your Personnel Record so we can get to know you a bit better it would be appreciated.
Again, welcome to the 12th, Engineering and Delta Squadron! 
_________________ =/\= =========================== =/\= Rear Admiral(Ret.) Enlistednut09, Engineering Division Current Location: STUTTGART, EARTH Current Assignment: CLASSIFIED United Federation of Planets, 12th Fleet =/\= =========================== =/\=
___________________________________ United Federation of Planets Community Starfleet Academy Commanding Officer