The 12th Fleet: Starbase Valhalla

Greetings from the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet
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Author:  Keysailor [ Mon June 27th, 2011 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Greetings from the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Greetings from the VKF!

We would like to take this opportunity to formally re-open communications and alliance negotiations between the 12th Fleet and the VKF, and express the hope that our two fleets can develop an enduring and mutually beneficial relationship.

We have been visited today by Commodore Jega Grant, and he lists the 12th Fleet diplomats as Vice Admiral Volen, Captain Rika, and Lt. Alyiena, and, of course, himself. We welcome all diplomats from the 12th Fleet and have a special space prepared for their comfort.

It is our custom to first verify the bonafides of all diplomats visiting the VKF before granting diplomatic access. Whenever possible, if someone could reply to this note and confirm the list above, we will immediately grant access to the 12th Fleet's Embassy on our forum. We consider the subforum "[12F] 12th Fleet" at ... 12th-Fleet to be sovereign soil of the 12th Fleet, and restrict access to it to your diplomats and leaders, and our own.

I will warp back over here either later today or tomorrow to check, and look forward to re-engaging with the 12th Fleet! Live Long and Prosper!

F-rel-barr of the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet
Grand Admiral and all that stuff ;)

Author:  volen [ Mon June 27th, 2011 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Nice to see the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet again!
Welcome... Diplomat Jega is going to take great care of you while your here.

Live Long and Prosper!

- Volen

Author:  Jega Grant [ Mon June 27th, 2011 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Welcome to our Forum, Grand Admiral Keysailor. We appreciate the quick response from you, and we also would like to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with your great fleet.

Vice Admiral Volen has informed me that you have been tagged "Ambassador" status, which means you have access to the Foreign Ambassador's Quarters. This area can only be seen by 12th Fleet diplomats, 12th Fleet admiralty, and foreign ambassadors.

We are currently showing you as a friendly fleet, which means for us
- As a Friendly, we get to know the other fleet via inter-fleet events on a more personalized level.
- We will allow Friendlies access to the 12th Fleet’s Open In-Game Channel
- We will allow Friendlies access to Teamspeak, with diplomatic access.
- Friendlies will be able to join in on inter-fleet events such as STF’s, Fleet VS Fleet PvP and PvE actions
- Friendlies will get Embassy (forum) access and a fleet forum group.

Author:  Rika [ Mon June 27th, 2011 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Just thought that I would post a quick welcome and best wishes on us forming lasting friendships!

Author:  Keysailor [ Mon June 27th, 2011 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Thank you all! I have posted in the Foreign Ambassador's Quarters, and look forward to visiting here as often as my duties permit.

thank you all for a very warm welcome!

Author:  Alyiena [ Tue June 28th, 2011 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

I as well would like to send my greetings to you and your fleet.

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