YOU are Invited to
The Fleet-Wide Squad of the Month Meet!By order of the Council of Admirals, after completion of the competition portion of the Meet, there will be a drawing at this month's SotM for:PRIZE GIVE-AWAY
20 Million Energy Credits
The scheduling of the June 2024 meet is now OPEN.
Hello All!
Time to schedule the next meet!
The leading option is Saturday the 29th.
The other choices are: Saturday the 15th and Saturday the 22nd.
Scheduling Rules:Post your scheduling choice in a reply below. Note that
dates you say you cannot attend are more important than the dates that you say you prefer in deciding the date of the meet. We are trying to get the highest turn out of all squad members for the competition and prize give-away in the first half-hour. Thus, if 5 people prefer a date but 1 more can attend only on another date, then the date on which 6 can attend will win even though 5 of the 6 preferred a different date. It is assumed that you can attend all the date options, unless you clearly state otherwise in a post below or have communicated that fact to me directly.
Extra weight is given to the votes of squad captains, squad XOs, and anyone who is actually committing to showing up at a time (as opposed to "maybe" showing). Extra weight is also given to allow attendance of those who are administrating/organizing parts of the meet or special events for the meet (e.g., myself, Teklor, and frequently Stromgold and Sysil) .
The date and time chosen depends ultimately on who wants to participate and who will actually show up.
Be sure of your commitment when requesting a date change, not showing up on a date that has been changed to accommodate your schedule will mean your choice will get less weight in future picks.What is Squad of the Month?The Squad of the Month ("SotM") meet is a monthly fleet event which starts with an inter-squad competition to determine the Fleet's Squad of the Month. The competition is followed by group activities which may include: build advice, challenge match PvP, teaming up to cruise the TFO queues, and just hanging out together on Discord. We are a casual fleet, and participation in any portion of SotM is optional.
Rules for Competition: The winner of the competition is determined by attendance during the first 15 minutes of the meet ("the grace period"). The squad with the most members logging into the Discord channel during the grace period wins. However, if any squad shows up with its full membership during the grace period but still does not have enough numbers to win the competition, then the result will be a tie between all squads with their full membership attending and the squad with the largest number of members attending. If there is a tie, then the winner of the competition will be determined either by dice roll (".roll" using the Security Bot on Discord), or by any other method agreed upon between the tying parties (e.g., PvP match, trivia question, etc.). Any method other than dice roll for resolving a tie, must be approved by the convener of the meet (normally me) as being swift enough to be resolved simply without taking up the whole meet or leaving the winner undetermined beyond the end of the meet.