Just a quick post, im sure one of the higher ranking officers woulda done it but well its nearly 5am, and uni's at 7... so sleep isnt an option!
Well as we near the end of the closed beta tests for the final time -tear- (ty for all those i personally grouped with, was fun!), Open beta is LOOMING... and as a higher proportion of us is in OB, i for one cannot wait to see how our community functions ingame.
Now im sure we all know that initally there will be some disruption to ranks and divisions, this is natural when you consider people have been waiting quite a while , some have quit.. some have given up.. others simply dont want to play it anymore, those that have stuck around however will be pleasantly suprised at the game, which in itself is very very fun to play even though it is still riddled with bugs (cryptic we expected no less).
Which brings me onto my point, i realise this doesnt need to be said.. but il say it anyway, those of you new to the beta process, or MMO's in general, do remember that open beta is still beta.. things wont work, half the content they promised isnt even implemented yet, its all due to be done during open beta, so there will be downtime, there will be crashes.. alot of crashes if CB is anything to go by, new content will be added, patches will suddenly go live without warning, possibly meaning your kicked and then forced to download the files. This is what beta is about, see a bug, report it, dont just pass it by. This is mostly all common sense for alot of you, however those who are new as i said, be aware this is FAR FAR from a demo... the game is not complete yet, there is alot missing, alot not working, alot of uncompletable missions, alot of server kicks.. a few missions even cause alot of people to blue screen. Do not take this as a sign of the game to come.. but rather something the game can improve on.
All in all .. do not forget this is a test.. not a demo... and have fun!..
Oh Oh Oh! and exotic dance party on quarks, DS9, Be there or be a klingon!