Each year, as the sun gently sets on Risa, the citizens of the Federation, Klingon Empire, Romulan Republic and the Dominion take a moment to sit, and reflect upon the beautiful day they’ve had, hunting for Horga’hns, jetpacking through the sky, or racing with their friends. That beautiful, peaceful view is enhanced by a brand new ship, sitting in the sky, waiting for those Captains to take it out for a spin. This year will be a little different. This year, those Captains will look up in the sky and know they’ve had a hand in choosing what ship will be made.
We’re trying something a little different with this year’s Summer Event Ship. Normally, we have a big internal pow-wow about what ship we want to do, and the team chooses their favorite concept and moves forward to the design phase, behind closed doors. But this year, we’re opening up the design phase to some of our team who normally don’t get a chance to flex their artistic muscles on ship design, and we’re leaving the choice of what the summer ship will be up to you.
For the next four weeks, starting tomorrow, we’ll have a member of the STO team on our weekly stream, Ten Forward Weekly. They’ll be coached by a member of our ship design team or our concept artist, and all four of them will be assigned the same basic concept: a Risian Science Ship. For the next two hours, they’ll hand draw a design for a ship based on that concept. When all four drawings are done, we’ll put them up on our website and allow you to vote for your favorite.
After that, we’ll have one more stream where Concept Artist Hector Ortiz turns the winning drawing into a ship concept, before it gets turned over to our Ship Artist team and made into this year’s Summer Event Ship. We think this is going to be a lot of fun, so make sure to tune in to our
Twitch Channel every Wednesday at 4pm PT for the next four weeks!
Here’s the schedule:
March 11th - 11am PT - Senior Environment Artist Nick Duguid
March 18th - 4pm PT - Test Analyst Christian Griffith
March 25th - 4pm PT - Senior Content Designer Jesse Heinig
April 1st - 4pm PT - Systems Designer Jonathan Herlache