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PostPosted: Fri March 16th, 2012 2:54 pm 
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Klena was curious as the human woman's response, but said nothing, acknowledging that some people preferred to have certain conversations behind closed doors. "In my ready room."

As she crossed the bridge, she said. "LCDR Galangal, the bridge is yours. Begin pre-departure procedure and ensure all crew are aboard. Please inform Maj Silliskian that I would like a status report on his MACO company as soon as possible."

With orders issued, she lead Tracy into the ready room. Most of the decorations from her office on 39-Sierra had been moved aboard. She turned, leaned against the edge of her desk and folded her arms across her chest. "Is there something you wish to discuss?"


[center]Image | Siruzu's Biography | Klena's Biography | Ayira's Biography | Star Trek Guenidier

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PostPosted: Fri March 16th, 2012 5:29 pm 
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Lyaph turned around and nodded to the Admiral.
"Will do ma'am" he said before the doors closed behind her and the Captain.
Lyaph contemplated taking a seat in the captains chair, but decided it might be too early for him to impose.

Instead he tapped his combadge "Galangal to Major Silliskian, the Admiral has requested that you present a status report on the MACOs to her asap"

Lyaph turned around to the bridge crew "All stations, status reports on the departure critical systems" he pulled up the crew manifest and started checking for absent personnel while listening to the reports.

For the first time since arriving at 39-Sierra Lyaph felt at ease with what he was doing, the uncertainty about the mission had faded and a genuine smile spread across his face as he saw the crew working.
All he could hope for now was a smooth departure.

=/\= ==================================== =/\=
Lieutenant junior grade Ameruno
Medical Division, Gamma Squad
12th Fleet, United Federation of Planets
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PostPosted: Fri March 16th, 2012 6:09 pm 
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"Nothing unusual appearing on diagnostics Sir" Elysia replied. Each station would have to report back seperately. Before departure, her main job was to make sure some small mistake hadn't been overlooked by the others. With her sentance, she'd told him that as far as she could tell from her diagnostics, everything was good to go...

=/\= ====================== =/\=
Commander Asklepian (Miana, Alexa)
Medical Division, Delta Squad
12th Fleet, United Federation of Planets
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PostPosted: Sat March 17th, 2012 6:00 am 
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Location: Frigid wastelands of Upper MI
Scene: MACO Office

Kris looked at the chronometer as he heard the incoming chirp of the communication. "Understood, Lieutenant Commander. Silliskan out."

He looked at the compiled reports from the Company Commanders and did a quick mental calculation. "Major Silliskan to Admiral Klena. All personnel have reported ready, and our equipment has been transported aboard, although some equipment is still marked as needing repair. Nothing that should delay us."

=/\= ====================== =/\=
CAPT (LT) PJ Blazer
MACO Division, Echo Squad
12th Fleet, United Federation of Planets
=/\= ====================== =/\=

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PostPosted: Tue March 20th, 2012 12:15 am 
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To: Tempestas.ALL.Officers
From: SF.GTF.Intel
Subject: Known Romulan Intel
Stardate: 86008.91
//Encrypted Message Follows//

Officers of the Tempestas,

The following a release of all known information on the current Romulan situation, including a list of known Tal Shiar strongholds.

Hobus: Asteroid Outpost
Notes: Recently recaptured from Remen separatists. Defenses thought to be largely automated.
Threat Level: Minor

Telchas System: Orbital Platform and Accompany Ground Support Structures with Planetary Shield Grid
Notes: Considered the main Tal Shiar hub for all activities in the region, recently attacked by Guenidier task force. Damaged, but at least some repairs have been made. Scout ships attempting to get a closer look have been repelled by a massive military presence and a tachyon detection grid.
Threat Level: Extreme

Deep Space Sector R-7325: Station Platform
Notes: Last reported abandoned following Telchas 2 raid. Tachyon Emission Levels indicate a cloaked ship presence.
Threat Level: Major

Additional Notes: Romulans use cloaked ships to transport supplies regularly, so no known transport routes are available, however, it would be expected that they would have to drop out of warp at any stronghold outside the defense perimeter to pass through, though they wouldn't have to decloak to do it.

Tal Shiar Public Statement
Romulus will stand strong again, not nearly at the feet of the Federation. They would use the war with the Borg as an excuse to draw us into their conflicts once again. Our own leaders tried to sell us to them. I say no more! I, Admiral Ryi of the Tal Shiar, will not accept anything less than the removal of Starfleet from our space. Anyone caught not supporting our agenda will be considered a traitor and dealt with accordingly.

I realize these measures are harsh. However, the Romulan people can only stand strong against our enemies as a united force. I will do anything, to ensure that we achieve our ultimate victory.

Good Fortune Tempestas.


[center]Image | Siruzu's Biography | Klena's Biography | Ayira's Biography | Star Trek Guenidier

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PostPosted: Tue March 20th, 2012 12:16 am 
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Forge04 wrote:
"Admiral," Tracy said, hands behind her back in a casual 'at ease'. "Why do you think I'm here?"

spaceinvader2240 wrote:
"I believe you are here because you saw an opportunity to help Starfleet." Klena carefully studied Tracy's reaction.

Forge04 wrote:
"And I am Ma'am. However, some people's definition of help is vastly different than others," Tracy said. "I feel the need to inform you, I've never served as a first officer."

spaceinvader2240 wrote:
Klena quirked an eyebrow, unsurprised that Tracy had not served as a first officer before, but surprised that she had admitted it so openly. She thought for a moment before answering, carefully choosing her words. In the end, if she wanted this woman's trust and loyalty, she'd have to open up to her as well.

"I am aware." She said simply. "Your file is not the first, very classified, personnel file I've seen." That was certainly the truth. "However, what I desire in a first officer is... different... than other Starfleet Captains." She met Tracy's gaze evenly, the two women judging one another on every word. "Your unique background in shall we say, clandestine activities, makes you my ideal candidate."

Forge04 wrote:
Tracy thought on the words and then decided this woman was genuine. A genuine person like her didn't deserve the truth. Didn't need it.

But it would only help the mission if she was told it. At least for now.

So she smiled.

"It would goad my husband a bit if he heard you say that," she said, placing one hand on her hip.

(OOC: Angel's done his own share of Black Ops and the circle that knows about these dealings is exclusive, but still a source of pride/embarrassment to him)

"Why not him?"

spaceinvader2240 wrote:
"I have placed Maj Silliskian in charge of security, your husband is serving as his subordinate." Klena paused, letting the other woman have a moment to collect the complicated line of reasoning. "If I were to ask him to take the position of first officer I would undermining the Major's command. Such an action would be illogical."

Forge04 wrote:

Tracy knew very little of that. Her life since joining Starfleet had been dreamlike at first, then chaos for as long as she'd known since.

All shadows and darkness. Loneliness and isolation, made worse by the secrets one has to keep.

"I suppose it would," she said, maintaining her expression. "If you would indulge me Admiral, I'd like to know exactly what you expect in a first officer. Of course I have my own leadership style, but I want to know exactly how best I can help you and the ship."

spaceinvader2240 wrote:
Klena nodded in acknowledgement of the question, it was an extremely valid one. "The administrative duties you can read about on the computer, but I expect my first officer to be opinionated and honest." She paused, knowing just how much trouble that criteria could cause without some restrictions. "However, I do expect that in front of the crew you support decisions I make unless you feel you absolutely must object. Privately, I encourage you to 'argue' with me."

She quirked an eyebrow, in what could be construed as a smile by Vulcan standards. "Within reason of course."

Forge04 wrote:
Tracy knew why she should trust her husband's first instincts more.

She was liking the Admiral.

"Angel can attest to that quality of mine Ma'am. My opinion rarely is kept to myself. And I do possess the tact to understand when to give it.

I believe Ma'am, that I can accept the post. With your permission?" she said, motioning to the door.

spaceinvader2240 wrote:
"Thank you Captain, I look forward to working with you." With that, Klena pushed away from the desk she'd been leaning again and headed back to the bridge. They'd be departing soon.


[center]Image | Siruzu's Biography | Klena's Biography | Ayira's Biography | Star Trek Guenidier

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PostPosted: Tue March 20th, 2012 12:26 am 
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Klena exited her ready room behind Tracy, and took the Captain's chair again, Lyaph. She glanced at the other woman for a second before turning her attention back to the officers at the three consoles before her.

She activated the comm unit, broad casting to the entire ship. "All hands, man departure stations."

She turned her attention to the helm officer, "Lt. H'pok, standby maneuvering thrusters."

... and then to ops. "Lt. Signer, please clear our departure with 39-Sierra."

She waited, soon they'd be on their way, the first data release had already been sent to all officers. In truth, it didn't contain alot of useful information. Then again, there wasn't much to go on. With the recent Dominion attack on DS9 numerous ships had been pulled off the Romulan and Klingon fronts to respond to the crisis.

Of course, that's why they were here.

OCC: Let's get this rolling again if we can.


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PostPosted: Tue March 20th, 2012 1:09 am 
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"Yes Ma'am" Elysia responded, immediately following her orders as she called up Starbase 39. "39 Sierra, this is the U.S.S Tempestas. We are ready for departure and request clearence to leave dock". "This is 39 Sierra" came the answer shortly after "You are cleared for departure Tempestas. Good luck". "Acknowledged" Elysia said. "Admiral, departure clearence granted" she continued, aimed at the Captain...

(OOC: Agreed. Let's try and keep this going(^_^))

=/\= ====================== =/\=
Commander Asklepian (Miana, Alexa)
Medical Division, Delta Squad
12th Fleet, United Federation of Planets
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PostPosted: Tue March 20th, 2012 1:30 am 
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Jovus was in bliss. Warm....asleep....the thrum of a working drive nearby.

He was jolted abruptly from this slumber by a technician who dropped a toolbox nearby.

Sitting up he stopped himself just short of headbutting the console he'd fallen asleep under.

"Damn it...." Getting to his feet he called out, "Anyone got word on if we're set to go yet?"

A voice yelled back, "We just got clearance! Running impulse and thrusters up to speed,"

Jovus rubbed his eyes to clear them. "Ok folks, bring all auxiliaries to standby...get me a feed from bridge so we know what we need before they damn well start shouting for it," He stopped briefly,"And can someone get me a raktajino?"


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PostPosted: Tue March 20th, 2012 1:36 am 
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Major Silliskan strode out of the turbolift, onto the bridge. The rest of the MACO's were running through routine assignments, working with the Security department to coordinate training exercises, continuing maintenance on the equipment that had been in need of servicing since their last assignment, and gathering intelligence briefings on the Romulans from various sources. He had wanted to see the departure of the ship from the bridge.

"Always a beautiful sight, Admiral." Kris said, taking in the view of the starbase as it grew smaller in the viewscreen.

=/\= ====================== =/\=
CAPT (LT) PJ Blazer
MACO Division, Echo Squad
12th Fleet, United Federation of Planets
=/\= ====================== =/\=

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